2d Benjamin Leonard b. 20 Feb. 1880. He attended school in Freetown. He graduated from Prince of Wales College, Charlottetown and taught school at West Devon. On 2 Oct. 1899 he moved to Western Canada but returned east and enlisted for the South African War. He left Halifax, NS. for South Africa on 17 Mar. 1900. He returned from South Africa on 9 Mar. 1901. Ben then returned west to Winnipeg and studied law. He practised law in Winnipeg with the firm of Elliot, Deacon & Deacon. He was a member of the crew which won the International Skull Fours at St. Catherines, Ont. and the American Championship at Worcester, Mass. in 1905. Ben m. Mabel Elliot on 28 June 1911. They lived at Winnipeg where he d. on 15 Nov. 1934. They had no children.

26 Frederick Percy b. 8 Oct. 1882. He grew up at Freetown and attended the local school. He remained at home until 18 Aug. 1902 when he left for Western Canada. He located at Nelson, BC. and during World War I he enlisted in the Canadian Armed Force. He worked as a caretaker and was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Fred (1. at Kootenay Lake, BC. on 30 Dec. 1965; n.m.

2f Ada Emeline b. 23 Jan. 1885 at Upper Freetown. She attended the district school, and on 17 Sept. 1904 went to business college in Charlottetown. In 1905 Emeline followed her brother Ben to Winnipeg, Man. where she worked as a secretary. On 11 Apr. 1906 she m. William Bramwell Pound, who was a son of William and Maria (Tuplin) Pound. He was b. 30 Jan. 1869 at Margate. William B. Pound was a carriage maker at Margate prior to moving to Winnipeg. He was manager of the MacLaughlin Buick Motor Co. Branch in Winnipeg for many years. He was also a real estate agent. Emeline d. at Winnipeg, Man. 22 Nov. 1958. William (1. 11 Mar. 1955. They had six ch. surname Pound, all b. at Winnipeg, Man. 1. Harris Deacon b. 26 Mar. 1907; m. Ann Bernier in 1934. He was a radio technician. He d. at Montreal, 11 Mar. 1962. 2. Dorothy Emeline b. 27 Jan. 1909; m. George Saxton of Ontario on 23 Apr. 1937. They were both medical doctors, and practised in Vancouver, BC. George d. 25 Mar. 1977. They had three daugthers. 3. Benjamin Lincoln MacKenzie b. 26 Feb. 1911; m. 26 Dec. 1941 Margaret Helen Low. He was an R.C.M.P. officer until 1955 and then sold real estate. They reside in Edmonton, Alta. They have three children. 4. Marcus William b. 5 May 1914; m. 5 Dec. 1950, Frances Walsh of Nfld. They operated a nickelodian business in Torbay, Nfld. where they reside. They have six children. 5. Wilfred Borden b. 3 Apr. 1916; n.m. He d. at Winnipeg 25 Feb. 1979. 6. Robert Theodore b. Mar. 1923; d. Sept. 1924.

+2g Frank Harrison b. 2 July 1887.

2h Lottie Mabel b. 18 Aug. 1889. She attended the local school and in Dec. 1905 left home to attend business college in Charlottetown. After she graduated she moved to Winnipeg, Man., where she work- ed in the accounting department of a furniture store. Lottie then moved to Vancouver, BC. where she worked as a secretary. She was a member of the Unity Church. Lottie was n.m. and she d. at

Vancouver, BC. on 1 Dec. 1973.

2i Edna Winnifred b. 13 Aug. 1892 at Freetown. She attended the local school and assisted on the farm with rounding up the cattle and sheep. Winnie moved to BC. in 1919. On 16 Nov. 1921 she m. Kenneth Mason at Nelson, BC. He was b. Aug. 1900 at Cascade, BC. and d. 1 July 1967. They lived at Nelson before moving to Cranbrook, B.C. Kenneth was an electrician. Winnie was active in the United Church, as Missionary secretary, and was a life member of U.C.W. She d. at Cranbrook, BC. on 10 June 1950 aet. 57. They had three sons, surname Mason: 1. Murray b. 26 Jan. 1923; m. Joan Dean at Nelson, BC. She was b. 8 Mar. 1928. They lived at Calgary, Alta. before moving to Kamloops, BC. They have two ch: (A) Murray Dean m. Judy lsenor. They have a son, Blake, and dau., Sabrina. (B) Brenda Joan m. Larry Sill. They have two ch: Kevin and Jeffrey. 2. Lloyd Kenneth b. 22 Feb. 1925; m. Katherine. He holds an executive position with Bert Pyke Ltd. Oshawa, Ont. where they reside. They have one dau., Kathy m. Steve Arnold and have one son, Jason. 3. Gerald Scott b. 21 June 1927; m. Donna Helen Moore of Cranbrook, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Moore. They live in Cranbrook, BC. and have three sons: (a) Clay m. Janet and have three ch: Joshua, Mervia and Javla. (b) Lloyd Richard m. Francine and have one son, Jeremy. (c) Norman, n.m.

2j Roberta Elizabeth b. 27 Oct. 1894. She m. George J ardine, Freetown. (See Jardine history.)

+2g Frank Harrison Deacon Frank was b. at Upper Freetown on 2 July 1887. He attended the district school and after his father’s death in 1904 assumed responsiblity for the family farm. Frank was strong and weighed over 200 pounds

at the age of 16.

Frank found a mate in lower Bedeque, Lulu May Hooper, the daughter of Allison and Elizabeth (Moyse) Hooper. They m. on 19 Oct. 1910. Frank and Lou farmed at Freetown where they were active in community