Lloyd Farquharson was b. in Mt. Herbert, 5 Jan. 1930 to Charles Edward and Pearle (Fraser) Farquharson. He m. Jennie MacDonald, daughter of John Alexander and Bertha Mae (Ferguson) MacDonald

of Bethel. She was b. 30 Oct. 1936. They were In. in Zion Presbyterian Church, Charlotteown. They have three children.

2a Valerie b. 26 Apr. 1959 in Charlottetown. She 111. Brian Hiscock who was b. 4 July 1959. He is a son of Arthur and Marie (Aubey) Hiscock, Winsloe. Valerie manages a solarium business in Summerside and Brian is employed in the Psychiatric Ward of the Prince County Hospital.

2b Daniel b. 12 Jan. 1966 in Charlottetown. He is taking a mechanics course at Holland College.

2c David b. 14 Aug. 1968 in Freetown. He is specializing in mechanics.

JOHN THOMAS FERRISH John Thomas Ferrish was a resident of Stanley Bridge. He came to Freetown in the early nineteen twenties

and worked for Austin Scales for a number of years. They lived in the house owned by Mr. Scales south of the Freetown Railway Station. He then moved to Summerside where they resided. John Thomas Ferrish b. 1883 to James and Rebecca (Kiley) Ferrish from Stanley Bridge. He m. Margaret Jane Cameron, daughter of Robert and Dianne (Dunn) Cameron. They had seven children. John Thomas d. in Summerside 1952

and Margaret (Maggie) d. in 1948.

2a Jane b. in Stanley Bridge in 1907. She m. Russell Gunn from Mt. Stewart. They had one son John. Russel d. and Jane lives in Charlottetown.

2b Robert b. in Stanley Bridge 1910. He worked for Austin Scales and later for Samuel Drummond in Freetown. In 1935 he m. Bertha Davison, Burlington. They had six children: Olive, Phyllis, Lila, Emerson, Audrey and Clarence. They now live in St. Eleanors.

2c William b. in Stanley Bridge in 1911. In Freetown, William worked for Austin Scales and later for Simpson Stetson. In 1936 he m. Mary Broome from Conway. They had seven children: Shirley, Erma, Donald, Dean, Helen, Carol and Brenda. They now live in St. Eleanors.

2d Annie b. in Stanley Bridge in 1915. In 1930 she m. Harry Graham, New London. They had nine children: Cecil, Allan, Jean, Olive, Gerald, Patricia, Shirley, Harold and Donald who d. y. Harry d. 1979 age 75 and Annie d. in 1982 age 67. They lived in Summerside.

2e Percy b. in Clinton in 1920. In 1941 he m. Bessie Waite from Spring Valley. They had six children: Eldon, Eric, Joyce, Marjorie, Gordon and Darlene. They live in Summerside.

2f Ira d. y. 2g Dave d. y. Submitted by Bertha Ferrish


On 11 Jan. 1881 William Findlay secured a lease for 50 acres of land on the south side of the Drummond Road for $40.50 from the sheriff (code 133). It had been leased to George Matthews. In the meantime the land was taken over by John Lewis who sold it to John Helix Pearson in 1882.

Information on William Findlay relates that he left RBI. and went to San Diego, Ca. where he was involved in ranching.

His will indicated that he was married and had two daughters, Florence and Annie Lydia and three sons, Franklin Samuel, Herbert William and Harold Bruce.

There is no information available to confirm that he lived in South Freetown.

JOHN WESLEY FOLLAND John Wesley lived in Freetown for many years when he was employed with Simmons and MacFarlane

Ltd. on the farm. Two sons, Ira and Roland, lived there when they worked with farmers in the Freetown area.

John Wesley b. in Margate in 1876. He m. Lydia Margaret Somers who was b. 187 6. She d. in 1932 and Wesley d. in 1975 in his 99th year.

John Wesley and Margaret (Somers) Folland had eight children surname Folland.