ADOLPHUS GALLANT Adolphus Gallant lived in Freetown for several years. He lived in a house on (code 65) and worked with local farmers. He delivered the mail on the R.R . 2 for a period of time with a horse and wagon. Adolphus d. 11 Aug. 1960 aet. 60. Cyrus Gallant Cyrus Gallant of moved to Freetown in the 1960's and was employed with Cecil Paynter and later with Edwin K. Lewis . Cyrus and his wife purchased a lot (code 69) from Edwin Lewis and built a house and garage on it. He later became employed with the P.E.I. Saw Industries and is now (1985) employed with Welding Co. in Bedeque . Cyrus was b. 20 Feb. 1945 in . He m. Donna Wilson, daughter of Fenton and Eleanor (Leard) Wilson of Tryon , 20th June 1970. She was b. 18 Nov. 1949. They attend the Church of the Nazarene in Summerside . They have two children surname Gallant. 2a Tracy Lee b. 15 May 1971. She attends school. 2b Cyrus Duane b. 17 Dec. 1975. He attends school. Submitted by Donna Gallant Dougald Gallant Dougald Gallant worked in Freetown for many years. He worked with Simpson Stetson during the major part of those years. He also worked for other farmers. He lived on a lot on the east extremity of the South Freetown School district on the . Dougald and his wife lost their house by fire and then got a house from Everett Reeves that he had hauled from the Scales Mill site. Other people who lived on the lot were Arnie Corr, George Arsenault and Maxie Martin. Dougald was b. in . He m. Jacqueline Perry , Miscouche . She was b. 14 July 1897 and d. June 1985. Dougald d. some years ago. 2a Irene m. Isadore Blanchard who lived and worked in Freetown . 2b Doris m. Anthony Gaudet who lived and worked in Freetown . 2c Kathleen m. Claude Murray , Bedeque . He d. 5 Sept. 1980. They had five ch.: 1. Eileen m. Dick Van Herk and have two children; Kathy and Derrick. 2. Joan m. Michael Coupland , R.C.M.P . in Regina and have two children; Mark and Lee. 3. Barbara, n.m., is an R.N . and is employed in Prince County Hospital. 4 and 5 (twins) Neil is single, and Janet m. William Warren , Bedeque . They have two children, Darrel and Christopher. 2d Austin n.m. and lives in Toronto . 2e Walter d. y. 2f Eldrick "Baldy" m. , Emerald . 2g Bradford d. y. 2f Beatrice d. y. Submitted by Kate Murray Edward Gallant Edward Gallant moved to Freetown from New Glasgow in 1962. Edward was employed as a labourer with Simmons and MacFarlane and other farmers. They lived in the house that was occupied by William MacCaull in the Village. They left Freetown in 1975 and moved to Summerside . Edward Gallant was b. in Charlottetown 26 Feb. 1918. He m. Mabel Arsenault , 3 Nov. 1938. She was b. 27 Feb. 1917 at Emerald . Edward d. 12 June 1983. Edward and Mabel (Arsenault) Gallant raised six children, surname Gallant all b. before moving to Freetown . 1. Francis, b. 29 Jan. 1940andd. 1 June 1948.2. LeRoy, b. 17Mar. 1941. Hem . 1. RosellaGallant, 280