2a John Gerard b. 29 May 1936. Hem . Jeanne Lund , 28 Dec. 1963. They have four children: 1. Michelle Marie b. 23 Nov. 1964. She m. Deighan, 19 May 1984. They have one child Megan Marie. 2. John Elmer b. 3 June 1966. 3. Peter Leo b. 16 Jan. 1970. 4. Vincent Gerard b. 23 Apr. 1974. John Gerard is the Principal of The Vocational High School Division , of Holland College, and resides in Emerald . 2b Mary Yvonne Alvina b. 19 Mar. 1938. She m. 1. Robert Richard Reeves , 8 Aug. 1959. They had one daughter, Susan Marie b. 15 Apr. 1962. She m. 2. Denis Hercus , 6 Oct. 1977. They live in Brampton, Ont. 2c Joseph Arthur b. 15 Jan. 1943. He m. Sheilagh Houlahan, 22 Oct. 1966. They have two children: Christopher Mark b. 1 Jan. 1970. Monique Marie b. 25 Nov. 1973. Arthur is sales manager for "7 UP" in Toronto . 2d Joan Marie b. 9 Feb. 1945. She m. Russell Howatt , 16 July 1966. They have three children: 1. Stephen Michael b. 16 Dec. 1967. 2. Bethany Jane b. 11 Dec. 1969. 3. Patricia Ann b. 5 Aug. 1974. They live on the in Freetown (code 103). 2e Paul Elmer b. 25 Aug. 1949. He m. Helena Johnston of Kinkora . They have one son, Andrew. Paul is employed with the P.E.I. Photo Lab. They reside in North River . Submitted by May Gauthier ROY GOODWIN Roy Goodwin came to Freetown in 1938. He worked for Austin A. Scales on the electric lines and also on the farm. He helped rebuild the dam after it went out. Roy lived in the house that was moved by Garnet Warren to the lot on (code 39) and owned by Leo Mallett in 1985. The house was moved to Summerside by Leslie F. Simmons . Roy worked in New Glasgow , N.S . for a few years and returned to Emerald where he worked for Simmons and MacFarlane Ltd . Roy was the son of Terrance and Mary Ann (Clark) Goodwin of Emerald . He m. Leona McEntee , the daughter of John and Mary Eliza (Curley) McEntee of Emerald . Roy d. in Summerside in 1954. Leona presently resides at the McEntee home in Emerald . They had no children. ALMA GOULD Alma Gould lived and worked with the J. Scott Cairns family for about 10 years. After she left Freetown, she trained for a nurse at the Grace Maternity Hospital in Halifax, N.S. She was employed in Halifax for many years. She now resides in Burlington , Ont. Alma was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gould of Bedeque , later of DeSable . MRS . RUSSELL GRANT Mrs. Grant came to Freetown in 1951 and kept house for Everett T. Schurman for around two years. Mrs. Grant was b. in Knutsford the 9th July 1894. (Her maiden surname was Silliker.) After she m. Russell Grant they lived in Bideford . They had one dau. Helen who m. 1. Arthur Milligan ; he d. and she m. 2. Edgar Brown , Summerside . Mrs. Grant d. 16 Aug. 1953. GREEHAN The 1861 census, records that Patrick and Michael Greehan lived on the Dunk River Road near the river. Patrick had three males and three females in the household and Michael had three males and two females in his household. They are shown as having leases on 100 acres and 50 acres respectively. Eric Hammill relates that his father Redverse , and Uncle Wilfred used to walk up along the river and cut wood for these men for a few winters. This became very difficult so that Patrick Hammill brought Patrick and Michael Greehan down to his home where they spent several winters. There was a family connection. Owen Greehan b. 1828 in County Monaghan , Ireland, emigrated with his parents to Newton Lot 26. In 1898 Owen went to live with his brother Patrick, who resided near the Dunk River . Some time later he moved to Sherbrooke where he d. 26 Jan. 1915. He had a sister, Mrs. John Hammill . There were also Greehans residing in Newton east of the railroad and there is a record of FA. Greehan being a station agent at Freetown in 1885. A newspaper clipping of that time states that a brother of F.A. Greehan , station agent at Freetown , d. in the United States and that F.A . went to the funeral. There is a monument at St. Malachy's Cem., Kinkora to commemorate the Greehans. 287