Charles Hyde m. 2. Aug. 1857 Sarah Ann Beals , dau. of George and Mary Ann Beals . They had six children. For a time Charles and Sarah Ann lived in South Freetown on the south side of the . They possessed 100 acres of land as occupants being neither freeholders or tenants (code 109). Later Charles and Sarah Ann returned to Hampshire where they spent most of their married life. JAMES CORRIE JARDINE On Nov. 28, 1849 James Jardine of Kings County, purchased 165 acres of land in Lot 25 from James and Alice Peake of Charlottetown . This land is coded 15 and marks the arrival of this Jardine family in the Freetown area. James Corrie Jardine was b. on 19 Feb. 1794 at Corriehills, Dumfriesshire, Scotland the son of Andrew and Isobella ( Corrie ) Jardine and immigrated to P.E.I , about 1820. Upon reaching the Island he settled in the Mt. Stewart area and early maps of Lots 38 and 39 imply that he resided at the Head of Hillsborough on land called , after Thomas Dawson . An advertisement in the Jan. 27,1835, edition of the P.E.I Royal Gazette states that James Jardine has a farm at the Head of Hillsborough River . This farm was probably leased from the Dawson Estate. The opportunity to buy free-hold land at Freetown attracted James to settle there at the age of 55, with several members of his family. James Jardine prospered at farming and he purchased four additional parcels of land at Freetown bringing his total land holdings up to 486 acres by 1865. The 1861 Census of Prince Edward Island lists James Jardine of Lot 25, farmer. There were seven persons residing in his household, two of whom were born in Scotland (James and his wife Jane Hope ) and the remaining five were born on P.E.I. The children residing at home were probably James, Andrew, Mary, Margaret and Henry. All seven residents were of the Presbyterian faith and probably attended services in North Bedeque . James Corrie Jardine resided at Freetown at code 15 until his death on Apr. 15 1871. His wife Jane Hope continued to live in Freetown with her son James until her death on 21 Mar. 1878. James and Jane (Hope) Jardine had a total of thirteen children as listed below. 2a Isabella b. ca. 1818 in Scotland , m. James Douglas and they lived at . + 2b Andrew b. Dec. 1819 in Scotland . 2c Elizabeth b. Oct. 13 1820 on P.E.I , m. Donald MacKinnon on 16 Oct. 1844. Resided at Brackley and Rocky Point . 2d John b. ca. 1822 on P.E.I. , m. Eunice Jane Clark on Feb. 13,1858. Resided at the Head of Hillsborough . 2e William b. ca. 1824 on P.E.I. , m. Margaret Alice Douglas on 1 May 1860. Resided at the Head of Hillsborough . + 2f James b. ca. 1825 on P.E.I. 2g Henriettab. 15 Aug. 1829 at the Head of Hillsborough ; m. Walter Stavert of . (See Stavert history.) + 2h David b. ca. 1831 at the Head of Hillsborough . 2 i George b. ca. 1832 at the Head of Hillsborough , m. Eliza Jane Miller and they resided at , N .B. + 2j Jane b. ca. 1833 at the Head of Hillsborough . 2k Mary b. ca. 1835 at the Head of Hillsborough , n.m. She resided at Freetown and , with her brother and died there in 1906. 21 Margaret b. ca. 1837 at the Head of Hillsborough , n.m. She resided at Freetown , Head of Hillsborough and d. in 1913 at North Cambridge , Mass. 2m Henry b. ca. 1840 at the Head of Hillsborough , n.m. He resided at Freetown , Head of Hillsborough , Mt. Stewart and , St. John , N .B. He d. in 1920 at Mt. Stewart. + 2b Andrew Jardine . 1 C,Q Andrew was the eldest son of James Corrie and Jane (Hope) Jardine. He was probably b. in Dec. 1819 299