6a 5a4b362b Ross Douglas b. 23 Jan. 1964 at Summerside. 6b 5a4b3e2b Kent George b. 26 Sept. 1970 at Charlottetown.

6c 5a4b3e2b Carolyn Elaine b. 17 Aug. 1976 at Charlottetown.

+5d4b3e2b Florence Elizabeth Jardine “Beth” was b. 24 Feb. 1954 at Summerside, and spent her first years on the family farm. She lived with

her mother at the Protestant Children’s Home in Mt. Herbert for four years and attended school in Bunbury. She moved from Freetown with her parents in 1968 to East Royalty. In 1974 she graduated with an honors diploma from Charlottetown Rural High School.

Beth m. on 23 Aug. 1975 Arthur Wilfred Campbell who was b. 6 Nov. 1953 at Charlottetown. His parents are Wilfred and Vera (MacPherson) Campbell of Elmwood. Arthur and Beth live on the Colville Road, Elmwood, where Arthur is a farmer and carpenter. Beth is employed as a telephone operator and part—time supervisor at Island Telephone Co. Ltd. in Charlottetown and is currently president of her union local (1984).

They have two ch. surname Campbell. 6a 5d4b3e2b Daniel Andrew b. 7 Sept. 1977. 6b 5d4b3e2b Karen Elizabeth Jenett b. 12 May 1985.

+ 4c3e2b Florence Hazel Jardine Hazel was the only daughter of Douglas and Florence (Reeves) J ardine b. 8 Feb. 1916 at Upper Freetown.

Hazel attended the district school and then moved to Kensington to live with her cousin, Mrs. Annie Humphrey in 1929 and attended Kensington School. Hazel later moved to Charlottetown where she was a saleslady with Greendal Company specializing in ladies wear. She m. 15 June 1940, Lorne Clayton Callbeck, son of Henry James and Ethel Louise (Campbell) Callbeck of Charlottetown.

Lorne was probably best known as an Island writer and historian having written two books “The Cradle of Confederation” and “My Island My People?’ He has written several magazine articles on Island history.

Lorne’s career was a research scientist specializing in phytopathology of potato diseases. He graduated from MacDonald College of McGill University, Montreal in 1938. He received several awards for his career work including the merit award of the Canadian Horticultural Council in 1972 and an honorary associate of the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro in 1977.

Lorne and Hazel were both active in the Kirk of St. James, Charlottetown where Lorne served as an elder. Lorne was a director of the Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation, president of the Central Farmer’s Coop, president of the Charlottetown Kinsmen’s Club and a trustee of the Old Protestant Cemetery Committee (Old Elm Ave Cemetery) in Charlottetown. Lorne d. at his home, 142 Longworth Ave,

Charlottetown, 28 Dec. 1979. They had one daughter, surname Callbeck.

5a 4c3e2b Claudette J ardine b. 15 Mar. 1946 at Summerside, Claudette graduated from Kings College (Dalhousie University) (BA. and M.A. degrees) and has a B.J. (Journalism) degree from Carleton University in Ottawa. She has performed legislative research, newspaper reporting, freelance writing, secretary to Prince Edward Island Queen’s Printer and is currently a representative for Sun Life of Canada. She resides in Cornwall with her son Robbie.

+3g2b Andretta Jardine

Andretta was b. 13 Oct. 1883 at Upper Freetown. She m. John Wesley Harding, son of William and Janet (Milligan) Harding on 18 Nov. 1909. They farmed at Norboro where they raised a family of four children. Andretta d. on 11 Jan. 1929 at Norboro. Their children surname Harding.

4a 3g2b Ethel Jean b. 10 Dec. 1913 and d. 31 Aug. 1914 at Norboro.

4b 3g2b Dellis Roy b. 12 Dec. 1914, n.m. d. at Charlottetown on 29 Apr. 1938.

4c 3g2b Elton Keith b. 18 July, 1918. He joined the armed forces on 27 Mar. 1941 and was discharged on 15 Oct. 1945. He m. Edna Alice McKnight, daughter of Addison and Violet (Dick) McKnight of Center Nappan, N.B. They have resided at Amherst and Mulgrave, N.S. where Keith was a barber,

toll collector and postmaster. They had five children.

4d 3g2b Ingham Jardine b. 15 June, 1925, n.m. He joined the Armed Forces on 14 Apr. 1945 and served till 26 Apr. 1972. He managed hotels in Ontario and BC. and now resides in Mulgrave, NS. and is manager of the local Legion Branch.