+ 2f James Jardine James was probably born at the Head of Hillsborough, between Apr. and Dec. of 1825. James moved with his father’s family to Freetown in 1849.

James seems to have remained farming with his father and in 1871 inherited his father’s 175 acre farm

on the North Freetown Road (according to the will). James must have been responsible for looking after his mother and two youngest sisters. On July 30, 1874 James purchased 100 acres of land on the Freetown Road in Lower Freetown from Stephen Van Buskirk (code 52). In Feb. 1877, James m. Mary Elizabeth McKinnon, daughter of John McKinnon, from the Grand River area, Lot 14. She was b. 22 Aug. 1855.

According to one family tradition, Mary was hired as a maid for the Jardine household. James and Mary had a family of five all born at Lower Freetown, surname Jardine. +3a 2f Janie Agnes b. Oct. 12, 1876.

3b 2f Gavin Hope b. 23 Dec. 1877; m. Mildred (Tib) Sadie Starratt on 6 Oct. 1910. They resided in Edmonton, Alta. where he d. on 1 Feb. 1936, without issue.

+3e 2f John Andrew (Jack) b. 23 Oct. 1879. + 3d 2f Anna Delilah b. 26 July 1882.

+3e 2f James Scott b. 14 Oct. 1886.

James Jardine was a prosperous mixed farmer who in 1880 owned 350 acres of land. On 18 Feb. 1880 he purchased 142.2 acres at Lower Freetown, Lot 26 (code 122) after giving the highest bid at a public auction. This land had been occupied by his brother Henry who had defaulted in payments on his mortgage. James had come to the rescue of his brother. This land was later sold to Joseph Schurman on 20 Oct. 1883.

On 27 Sept. 1886 James purchased 94 acres of land from William Schurman the elder which adjoined his 100 acre parcel in Lower Freetown (code 4). James now had 194 acres in Lower Freetown and this became the center of his farming operation.

James Jardine d. suddenly on 9 Feb. 1892 at his home in Lower Freetown, following supper, just after he had fed his stock. The newspaper account of his death gives the information that he had an attack of paralysis three years previous from which he never fully recovered.

Mary remained on her husband’s farm until her death on 22 Sept. 1911.

+3a2f Janie Agnes Jardine

Janie was the first daughter of James and Mary (McKinnon) Jardine b. 12 Oct. 1876. Janie m. Charles Perley Bullard, a native of the U.S.A., on 19 Oct. 1900. They resided at Darlington, Mass., Quincy, Mass. and New York City. Janie was a dancer and her husband worked at a Lever Brothers Soap Factory and was also a superintendent. Janie died in New York City on 9 Dec. 1936. She left three children: Hope, Ruth and

Winston. Surname Bullard.

4a 3a2f Hope Elizabeth b. ca 1907 in the United States. She m. Bill Gleason. They had no ch. She died in 1964.

4b 3a2f J. Ruth b. ca 1910 and m. George Lindsay. They lived in Cleveland, Ohio and had one daughter. 4c 3a2f Winston Charles b. June, 1914 (maybe 1915). He m. but the name of his wife is unavailable.

+3c2f John Andrew Jardine

Jack was b. 23 Oct. 1879. He m. Lottie Bly Taylor, dau. of Peter and Charlotte (Scott) Taylor of Freetown, on 30 Dec. 1904. She was b. at Upper Freetown in 1884. After their marriage they resided in Kensington and between 1905 and 1907 moved to New Bedford, Mass. Bly J ardine contacted tuberculosis and d. at New Bedford on 17 Oct. 1914. Jack lived in Edmonton, Alta. after the death of his wife, but returned to Mass. in the 1920’s. He suffered from bronchitis and shortly after a trip to P.E.I. he contacted pneumonia and d. on 1 Nov. 1932 at Quincy, Mass. Jack was a farmer, laundry operator and very musical. They had three

children. Surname Jardine. 4a 3ch Horatio b. 1905 at Kensington and d. in 1907 of spinal meningitis.

4b 3c2f Doris Pansy b. 15 Nov. 1908 at New Bedford, Mass., USA. After the death of her mother, Doris went to live with her aunt, Anna Delilah Taylor at Lower Freetown. She worked in Summerside and operated J. & S. Variety Shop on Water St. for some years. She moved to Moncton, NB. in 1956 and

