teaching school in 1897 at Lower Freetown. He also taught at Clifton and Upper Freetown. Fred aspired to practise medicine and in 1904 graduated from Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. He had his medical

practise at Kensington where he also served as mayor of the town.

In 1898, Fred m. Ella Janet Walker, dau. of John and Janet (Neill) Walker. Fred and Ella had five children. Their first child was born at Freetown.

+4a 3f2h Ingham Wright b. 16 Feb. 1899.

The remaining four children, Wylie, Janet, Fred and Eric were b. at Clifton, Halifax and Kensington. Eric survives and is a dentist in Sydney, N.S. Eric m. Joan Bailey and they have seven children.

Dr. Fred Jardine d. suddenly 29 Mar. 1923 at his home in Kensington. His wife m. 2. her brother-in- law, James Jardine. She d. in 1963.

+4a3f2h Ingham Wright Jardine

Ingham Jardine was b. at Freetown on 10 Feb. 1899. Ingham moved to Kensington at an early age and attended school there. He graduated from Prince of Wales College, Charlottetown and taught school at St. Eleanor’s. He graduated from medical school at McGill University in Montreal in 1923. He took over his father’s practice in Kensington in 1923. Jardine m. on 19 Sept. 1928, Rebecca Earith Sinclair, daughter of Hon. John E. and Rebecca (Harding) Sinclair of Summerfield. Ingham d. at Charlottetown on 28 June 1961. They had four children, surname Jardine.

5a 4a3 f2h Margaret Janet b. 4 Aug. 1930 at Kensington. She m. on 31 July 1954, Robert Romcke, a dentist. They reside in Charlottetown and have three children.

5b 4a3f2h Isobelle Walker b. 16 Jan. 1932 at Kensington. She m. 8 Sept. 1956, William Blair Bruce. They reside at Kitchener, Ont. and have four children.

5c 4a3f2h Mary Rebecca b. 23 Apr. 1938 at Kensington. She m. on 4 May 1963 James Kalbfleisch. They reside at Kitchener, Ont. and have three children.

5d 4a3f2h John Frederic b. 27 June 1943 at Summerside. He m. on 28 Dec. 1970, Mary Jane Phode. They reside at Collingwood, Ont. and have two sons.

+3g2h George Douglas

George was b. 31 May 1879 at Upper Freetown. George attended the local school and remained on the farm. He inherited his father’s farm at Upper Freetown (code 26) in 1906, and in 1911 sold his farm to purchase the Peter Taylor farm (code 40). After his father’s death, George was responsible for the maintenance of

his mother and sister Etta.

George m. Roberta Elizabeth Deacon, daughter of Marcus and Marion (Edwards) Deacon of Freetown, on 22 Sept. 1915. They resided on the farm which George had purchased four years previous. George and Bertie operated a mixed farm and were both interested in community affairs. They attended the Freetown Presbyterian Church where George served as an elder and clerk of session. George was interested in the

operation of the local school and served as chairman of the board of trustees and later as secretary of the school district. Bertie participated in the local Women’s Institute, Women’s Christian Temperance Union

and Women’s groups of her church. George and Bertie had three children all b. at Freetown, surname Jardine.

+4a 3g2h Robert Sim Patterson b. 16 Mar. 1917. +4b 3g2h George Gerald b. 19 Sept. 1922. 4c 3g2h Joyce Elizabeth b. 8 May 1930 and d. 12 May 1930.

George d. at the Prince County Hospital in Summerside, 8 Oct. 1965 at the age of 86. Bertie d. 30 Aug. 1977 at the Provincial Rehabilitation centre in Charlottetown at the age of 82. They are both buried in the People’s Cem. Freetown.

+4a3g2h Robert Sim Patterson Jardine

Robert was b. on 16 Mar. 1917 and grew up on the family farm (code 40). He attended Upper Freetown School until grade 10 and then in 1933 he enrolled at Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown and received his teacher’s license after two years. He returned to the family farm to assist his father and also became active

in the Boy Scout Movement. He participated in sports and was general manager of the Freetown Royals