JAMES JOHNSTON Alexander James Johnston and his wife Jane Moffatt came from Dumfrieshire, Scotland, to
Charlottetown in 1812. They had ten children one of whom was James Duncan Johnston (1827—1911) who settled in South Freetown ca. 1859 and leased farm land on the west side of what is now known as the Wall Road. It is understood that they resided in a house that was located on the Wall Road, about half way between the Drummond Road and the Dunk River. The house was later moved and became part of the house occupied by the late Samuel Drummond, where Mrs. Fred Drummond resides in 1984 (code 116). It is also recorded that James Johnston Jr. owned a block of land adjacent to the above. James Duncan left Freetown and moved to the Hill’s River Community of Fox Island, now known as the Prince Edward Island Elite Potato Seed
Farm, ca. 1870. He settled on 75 acres located on the west part of Fox Island.
James Duncan m. Mary Margaret Maxfield (1830-1886) of Freetown. They had a family of three sons and two daughters. Edmund William; Margaret Jane, b. 1864; Charles Henry; James Duncan II, b. 1869;
and Sarah Maude (1875-1878).
Charles Henry (1867-1954) was b. in Freetown. He m. Edith Henrietta Hopgood (1864-1940), dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Craig) Hopgood of Cascumpec and they had a family of six: 1. Mattie Rosamond m. James D. Hodgson. 2. Alice Maude m. Frederick James Wells. 3. Lela Annie d. y. 4. Cyril Maxfield m. Viole Maude Matthews. 5. Muriel Edith Appleton d. y. 6. Charles Henry 11 m. Joyce MacArthur and moved
to Alberton.
AUSTIN JOHNSTON Austin Johnston resides on the north side of the Main Freetown Road (see east side of code 54) in a
house that was built by William Rogers of Lower Freetown and now owned by Donald Burns.
Austin was b. Middleton, 29 Aug. 1958 the son of John and Miriam (Hickey) Johnston. He m. Lorna Mclver, dau. of Eugene and Teresa (Folland) Mclvor of Newton. She was b. 6 Apr. 1959.
Austin is a computer programmer at Prince County Hospital. Lorna is an office secretary. They have no children.
FRANK KOHOUT Frank Kohout came to Freetown from the Moffats in New Glasgow. He worked on the farm for George
D. Jardine for around two years in the 19203.
Frank m. Wilda Bell, dau. of Elliott and Mrs. Bell of Centerville, Bedeque. They farmed in Shamrock for several years. Frank is now deceased.
Frank’s sister Bessie b. 22 May 1914 was employed at housework at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Silas MacFarlane and another sister, Annie, worked at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Heffell.
ROY KRISTIANSEN Roy Kristiansen moved from Toronto to St. Eleanors, and lived there and in Kinkora before they came
to Lower Freetown on the 17 Apr. 1971. They reside in a new house on the site where Patrick Hammill’s buildings were located since 1904, when the Hammills came to this area (code 126).
Roy is the foreman in the Auto Body Shop operated by the Summerside Chrysler Dodge Ltd. in Summerside.
Roy was b. in St. Eleanors in 1942. He m. Grace MacDonald, Inverness, in 1963. She ws b. 17 Feb. 1945. They had six children surname Kristiansen.
2a Calvin b. 15 Nov. 1966 in Toronto. 2b Olinda b. 21 Aug. 1968 in Toronto. 2c Denise b. 24 Apr. 1971 in Freetown. 2d Elaine b. 2 Aug. 1974 in Freetown. 2e Kyla b. 25 Apr. 1977 in Freetown. 2f Krista b. 14 June 1981 in Freetown.