David Laffin moved to Summerside in 1973. He is photogrammetrist with the Mapping Division in Summerside. In 1975 he moved to Toronto, Ont. where he m. Myra Allen. They returned to RBI. in 1977 and settled in Freetown on the North Freetown Road near the intersection with the Campbell Road. They purchased this place from Wyville Reeves in 1978.

David Laffin was b. in 1952 in New Waterford, Cape Breton, to Patrick and Mary Laffin, now deceased. He m. Myra Allen, daughter of William Allan (deceased) and Zella Allan. She was b. in 1955.

They are affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. David and Myra (Allen) Laffin have one daughter.

2a Meghan b. 23 July 1981 in RC. Hospital, Summerside. JAMES LAIRD On 19 Dec. 1835, James Laird of Rustico purchased 119 acres of land and 4 1/2 acres of marsh at Lower

Freetown (code 54). Another land record dated 15 Feb. 1854, shows that James Laird also owned land at Upper Freetown (code 20).

James Laird m. Mary Francis and they had at least five ch. some of which were born at Freetown. James Laird d. about 1864. The following is at least a partial list of his children (not in order of birth).

2a James m. Ann 2b Ann b. at Freetown. She m. James Wall. (See Wall history.)

2c William; n.f.r. 2d Thomas; n.f.r.

+2e Robert. He m. Barbara Morrison.

+ 2e Robert Laird Robert Laird was probably b. at Lower Freetown in the late 18305. In July 1863 he m. Barbara Morrison

of New London. On 18 May 1865 Robert Laird received a release from his brothers and sister for 119 acres of land located at (code 54).

Robert and Barbara farmed at Lower Freetown until about 1881 when they moved to an unknown location. They had at least six ch. all born in Lower Freetown re 1881 Census.

3a 2e Sarah Ann b. 14 June 1866. (Free Church of Scotland records.) 3b 2e Kate b. ca. 1868. (1881 Census). +3c 2e James Melbourne b. ca. 1870. 3d 2e Mary S. b. ca. 1872. 3e 2e W.H. b. ca. 1876. 3f 26 Almira b. ca. 1880.

+3c2e James Melbourne Laird James Melbourne (J.M.) Laird was b. ca. 1870 in Lower Freetown. He worked as a farm labourer on

a MacMurdo farm in North Bedeque during his younger years. He eventually purchased a farm at Kelvin and m. 1. Jane (Walker) Humphrey (1855-1927), a widow. They had two ch.: Harold and Hattie, who married

Robert MacDonald. J.M. Laird also had two-step daughters: Myra, and Marion who m. Alex Tullich and lived at Swampscott, Mass.

Upon the death of his first wife, J.M. m. 2. a spinster, Miss Henrietta Jardine, who was b. at Upper Freetown (see James Corrie J ardine history). They resided at Kensington. His son Harold took over the farm.

J.M. Laird was an active gentleman. He operated a farm at Kelvin and also was a fox breeder. He was the winner of many livestock prizes and was a president of the Maritime Livestock Breeders Assoc. He was also a keen horseman. He was Mayor of Kensington for many years and served as elder and superintendent of Sabbath School at the Kensington United Church.

J.M. Laird d. at Kensington on 19 Jan. 1940 after suffering a heart attack.