JAMES LAWLESS James Lawless lived in Freetown for a few years in the 19203 and resided in a house that was located

in the Village where Harold and Vivian Drummond’s home is in 1985.

James worked for Fred W. and Frank Reeves for a number of years. James and Ida moved to Kensington, and ran a butcher shop. He then was supervisor for a potato growing and shipping operation for J. Watson Fyfe for approximately 12 years.

James was b. 7 Aug. 1875 in Norboro and d. in Charlottetown 7 Oct. 1950. He m. 1. Annie Somers. She was b. 25 Apr. 1880 in Clinton and d. 27 Feb. 1917 in Summerside. They had nine ch. surname Lawless.

2a William Alexander b. 29 Apr. 1900. He m. Louise Goodwin. They live in NS. They had twelve children.

2b Mary Ellen b. 11 Oct. 1901. She d. May 1910.

2c Henrietta Elizabeth (Etta) b. 23 Feb. 1903. She m. Edwin Beairsto, Kensington, and d. 17 Dec. 1983. They had two sons: Ralph and Donald. Etta was a seamstress with Charles Beairsto for a time.

2d Viola Evelyn b. 4 Nov. 1904. She m. Carl Lockhart.

2e James Michael b. 18 Oct. 1906. He m. Joanne Dart. Truro, NS. They had three ch.: Douglas, Russell, Barbara.

2f Jesse Richard b. 12 July 1908. He m. Eva Green. They live in Richmond, BC. Jesse is deceased. They had two ch: Darrell and Elaine.

2g Marion Jean b. 2 July 1910. She m. Alfred Morrison and live in Charlottetown. They have eight ch: 1. Kenneth, 2. Charles, 3. Alfred, 4. John, 5. Mary, 6. Anne, 7. Marion, 8. Norma.

2h Cecil Clarence b. 12 Dec. 1912. He m. Florence McCarthy. They have one dau., Betty Anne. 2i Mary Helen b. 15 May 1915. She m. William Messier, Vancouver, BC. and have one dau., Carol.

James m. 2. Ida Reeves, dau. of Freeman and Josephine (George) Reeves. They had three children. (See Reeves history.)

FRED LEARD Fred Leard lived at his Uncle Peter and Aunt Edith Reeves’ for several years and worked with various

farmers around Freetown. He also stayed at Fred W. Reeves, his brother—in-law, and worked with Frank Reeves for around two years. He left Freetown in the early 30s. He had five sisters who married and lived in Freetown.

He was b. 9 Jan. 1908, the son of George and Elizabeth (Farrow) Leard. He m. Eva Dougay. They had two daus.: 1. Verna. She m. John MacL/eod now deceased. They had one dau. 2. Reta. She m. Nicholas Zafiris and they have four daus. They live in Halifax, NS.

JOHN LEWIS John was born 7 Mar. 1807, in Carmarthenshire, Wales, at Llynvenith near the River Towy, which empties

into the Bay of Carmarthen. He came from a family of four brothers and two sisters. His mother was a daughter of John Chrismas. A cabinet maker by trade, he signed on as Ship’s carpenter to help pay his passage across the Atlantic.

In 1832, John Lewis in company with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rogers and son David landed in Quebec, it being the only port, save Halifax, to which vessels from Britain traded in these early days. John proceeded up the St. Lawrence River, but the vessel went ashore. This turned his footsteps in the opposite direction. He, along with the Rogers’ family left for Pugwash, N.S. They came down the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence in a small schooner owned by Milner in Charlottetown.

Mr. Lewis settled in Freetown, while the Rogers’ family, after staying in Pugwash for about a year, moved to Central Bedeque. They remained firm friends and were able to converse with. each other in their loved Welsh dialect. (The Pioneer 1895).

On 16 Mar. 1837, John married Sarah Van Buskirk, dau. of James Van Buskirk (1789—1858) and Mary

(Strang) Van Buskirk (1794-1866), dau. of Jesse Strang and Sarah Wright, Loyalists from New York, U.S.A. James was the son of Jacob Van Buskirk and Susannah Townsend, also Loyalists from Albany County, N.Y. (An Island Refuge). Sarah was born 15 Sept. 1819 at Freetown.

John Lewis is mentioned in the 1841 Census as having 42 acres in Lot 26. He grew 200 bu. of potatoes, 200 bu. of oats, had two horses, three cattle, five sheep, three hogs and a household of four persons.