Colby was associated with John Lewis - “Lewis & Lewis” in the potato industry. Some of the first potatoes they exported were to Edwin King, Long Island, NY. They were loaded on boats at Summerside Harbour.

Colby built a new home, a large cattle barn, and additional lands were added to the original farmstead. He was a well known cattleman with purebred Holstein Friesian cattle. He was awarded the Master Breeder Shield in 1946, the highest honour a Canadian breeder can win. A keen competitor in the show ring, he was premier breeder and exhibitor at various Maritime and Ontario livestock shows, which included both the C.N.E. and the Royal Winter Fair. On one occasion at the Royal Winter Fair, he was the owner and exhibitor

of the All—American Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion bulls. He was also a fox rancher (1928-38).

He was a member of the Central Bedeque Baptist Church, and served as deacon for 55 years. He loved music, and for many years sang in a quartette in the church. In the summer of 1961, Colby, Ira and Vaunda visited Llanfynydd, Wales, the birthplace of Colby’s grandfather, John Lewis. Colby named his farm “Llynvenith” (the spelling being a little different). They also visited 13 European countries. Colby d. 15 Nov.

1972. He is bur. in Central Bedeque Baptist Cem. Elsie still lives on the home farm. They had six ch. surname Lewis.

4a 3a2i Ira Chadburn. Ira was b. 10 Dec. 1917 in Freetown. He was a member of the Boy Scout Troop under the leadership of Rev. A.G. Crowe. He was educated at Freetown and South Freetown schools, Prince of Wales College and graduated from Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Truro, in 1938.

Ira bought his farm on York road in 1939, and in 1942, joined forces with his brother Claude. Today, they have 2,400 acres, 700 of which are potatoes and 750 of grain. Their farms are known as “Lewisdale Farms”. Lewis Bros. are recognized internationally for their purebred Holstein Friesian cattle.

Ira has been president of the P.E.I. Federation of Agriculture; chairman of the RBI. Potato Marketing Board; chairman of the Maritime Farmer’s Council; director of the Federation of Agriculture for Canada, and director of the RBI. Fluid Milk Association. He was inducted into the Atlantic Agriculture Hall of Fame in 1984, for his outstanding contributions to farming on P.E.I. and North America.

He m. Vaunda Estelle Watts, dau. of William and Myrtle (Roberts) Watts, Charlottetown. Ira and Vaunda are members of the First United Baptist Church, Charlottetown, where Ira serves as deacon. They have two chosen children, (surname Lewis):

5a 4a3a2i Heather Jean b. 5 Jan. 1957. She works at the Charlottetown Medical Clinic and does office work for Lewis Bros. She m. Michael Bolger. Ch. from former marriage: Melissa Jean and Tara Lynn.

5b 4a3a2i Scott Chadburn b. 5 Nov. 1961. He graduated from N.S. Agricultural College with a diploma in Agricultural Business in 1981. He m. Laura Lee Jewell, 10 Aug. 1985. He works with Lewisdale Farms.

4b 3a2i William Claude b. 16 July 1920. He m. Mildred Jean Waugh, dau. of Brewer and Bertie (Wright) Waugh, 31 Dec. 1941. She was b. 5 May 1923. They bought the George Vessey farm in York, in 1942. Claude and Ira work together on the Lewisdale Farms, along with Bill, Ross, Gordon and Jamie, Claude’s sons and Ira’s son, Scott. Their herd of 250 registered Holsteins have won many awards in the Atlantic provinces, and at the Royal Winter Fair as well as U.S.A. They have had the honour of being Premier Exhibitor. In 1984, they won the Premier Breeder Banner at Springfield, Mass. Claude has twice been president of the Holstein Friesian Association and is president of Tripro Sales Agency. Two barns, warehouses and a Potato Packing Plant have been built under his direction. They are members of the Charlottetown Bible Chapel, and are actively engaged in church work. They have eight ch. surname Lewis.

5a 4b3a2i Donna Jean b. 11 Sept. 1943; m. Dale Moore. He is a pharmacist and president of Moore Well Drilling Ltd. Charlottetown. Ch.: 1. Catherine Jean b. 8 Nov. 1966; m. John Anderson, 20 July 1985.

2. John Kenneth b. 3 Oct. 1968.

5b 4b3a2i Patricia Ann b. 20 Aug. 1944; m. Stephen Wilbur Willis, pastor in Alta. Ch.: 1. Stephen Wilbur b. 5 Oct. 1968; 2. Christopher Claude b. 27 Apr. 1970; 3. Bethany Jean b. 21 June, 1971; 4. Emerson

Philip b. 10 July, 1973; 5. Andrew Mark b. 18 Jan. 1977.

5c 4b3a2i William Claude (Bill) b. 30 Apr. 1946; m. Kaye Laird Whittington. Bill has a B.Sc. in agriculture from Dalhousie Uni. and a M.Agr. from Guelph, Ont. They live in Harrington. Ch.: 1. William Austin