4c 3c2a Blanche b. in 1877, m. Thomas Kay of MacKives Mills, N.B. Tom was an engineer on the C.N.R . trains. They lived in Freetown Village at one time on the lot where Harold Drummond resides in 1985. They moved back to N.B . about 1930. Their family consisted of five daughters and one son: 1. Ethel b. in Moncton 1905 lived in Freetown and played the organ in Freetown Presbyterian Church in 1929. She m. Harold Mills and has four children and live (1985) in St. John , N .B. 2. Dorothy b. in Moncton 1907. She lived in Freetown with the family and attended school there. She m. Archie MacLennan . They have two sons and live in Moncton in 1985. 3. Marion b. in Moncton 1910. She went to school in Freetown . She m. 1. Alfred Ogden . They had two children: Patricia and James. She m. 2. Ellsworth MacNeill . He is now retired in 1985 and lives on Russell St . in Summerside . 4. James b. 1913. He m. Lena Ayre . They have two children. They live in Dartmouth, N.S. in 1985. 5. Edythe was b. in 1915 and m. James Kennedy . They have two daughters and live in Bramalea, Ont. in 1985. 6. Avis was b. in 1921. She m. Rev. Russell Carr . They have four children and live in Charlottetown in 1985. 4d 3c2a Mary Ann was a spinster and lived at home. She went out to make dresses. She d. age 20. 4e 3c2a Lena b. 1889. She was a spinster and lived at home where she made dresses. She played the organ for the Baptist services in Freetown Hall. She d. 18 Nov. 1937. + 4f 3c2a Ray b. 1891. He m. Laura Belle Campbell , dau. of Hugh John and Jane Ann (MacArthur) Campbell of Freetown . + 4f3c2a Ray Lidstone Ray Lidstone farmed on the homestead farm (code 123) in Lower Freetown . Ray was a great horseman and sports fan. He raised many standard bred horses (see article on horses in Chapter 9). Ray and Laura attended the Bedeque Baptist Church where Ray was a member of the choir. Ray and Laura (Campbell) Lidstone had one daughter. 5a 4f3c2a Glen b. 1925. She m. Arthur Thomson , son of Russell and Minnie Thompson of North Tryon . Glen and Arthur farmed for many years and are now retired. They have three daughters: Carol, Lynn and June. They are all married. JOHN ALEX LORD John Alex Lord of North Tryon m. Annie Jane (McPhee) Taylor, widow of Henry Taylor of Freetown on 19 Aug. 1869. John Lord was a widower, having lost his first wife Jane E . on 25 Dec. 1867. John Alex Lord moved with his two children to Lower Freetown to live on the farm of the new wife and her four children (code 126). John Lord and Annie Jane separated after 1881 and he returned to live in Tryon with his children. The 1881 census records that John Alex Lord 's children were still living at Lower Freetown . 2a Johnstone b. ca. 1863, probably at Tryon . 2b Carrie b. ca. 1865, probably at Tryon . JACK LUCKER The Luckers came to Freetown in the spring of 1976 and lived in the R.B. Auld home in the "Birches" for two years. The Luckers operated Jack's Quality Meats and Delicatessan in Summerside . Jack was b. Tegelen, Holland 18 Feb. 1941. He m. Mona, dau. of Ovila and Annette ( Le Vasseur) LaForge of Edmunston, N.B. Mona was b. 2 Oct. 1942. They had three ch.: 1. Michael b. 9 July 1965. 2. Linda b. 19 Oct. 1969. 3. Tina b. 12 Sept. 1973. CHARLES MacARTHUR Charles MacArthur taught school in Freetown School during the school year 1947-48. He and his wife resided in the Charles Beairsto house during the year. He was m. to Eve Vinton and lived in Charlottetown and Winsloe most of his life. He d. 1968. They had four children: Wayne, (deceased) well known radio announcer; Doug of Dunstaffnage ; Brenda (O'Regan), Cornwall ; and Darlene (Wigmore), Winsloe, all on JAMES MacCAULL Robert James MacCaull resided in Lower Freetown for a few years (code 54). This house was built by William Rogers who lived there after he left the farm. This home is now owned by Donald Burns and is located south of his poultry establishment. James was employed with C.N. Marine . 328