John was b. 4 Dec. 1817, m. Mary Riley. He was the son of James and Mary (MacL/ean) MacNeill, who were In. 27 July, 1809. The MacNeills of Malpeque came from The Mull of Kintyre, Scotland. James’ father was also called “James”. He m. Elizabeth Campbell. Her ancestry traces back to the Duke of Argyll.

John MacNeill was a shipbuilder. Mary (1. 21 May, 1872, age 45 years.

John lived in the Charles Beairsto house, in the village with his daughter Lily and son-in-law Charles, after he retired. He d. 28 Dec. 1907. They had nine ch.

2a Margaret b. 7 Apr. 1855; d. 22 Jan. 1888.

2b Lily b. 13 Apr. 1857; d. 16 Jan. 1928; m. Charles Beairsto.

2c Elsie b. 24 Feb. 1859; d. May 1938; In. Mr. Coughlan.

2d Mary b. 26 Jan. 1861; d. 15 Dec. 1946; In. Mr. Johnson.

26 Annabella b. 15 Dec. 1862; d. 19 Nov. 1954; m. William Lewis. (See Lewis history.) 2f Maria b. 16 May 1865; d. 16 Feb. 1950.

2g Katherine b. 30 May 1867; d. 1912; m. Mr. Kinley.

2h William (twin) b. 6 Sept. 1869; d. 3 Apr. 1945; m. Miss MacKay.

2i John (twin) b. 6 Sept. 1869; d. 12 Feb. 1951; m. Miss Vincent.

JOHN MacPHEE John MacPhee lived on the Drummond Road and leased 100 ac. (code 110) from Fredrick Gordon and John Thomson ca. 1860. J abez Arbing took over this land and later transferred it to David Arbing, his son.

Records on John MacPhee’s family are not available.


Please note that the first McCarvill spelt his name without the last letter “e”. As the years went by some families began adding “e” and it has continued to the present day.

Francis McCarville I was b. in County Monaghan, Ireland in 1793. He m. Nancy McGuire of Ireland. She was b. in 1794. They emigrated to Isle of St John in the 18305, possibly 1835 with members of their family.

On 19 July 1839 Francis I purchased from John MacKie of Warren Grove, Queen’s County, a farm of about 100 acres of land in Freetown being the land still owned by the McCarville family in 1985 (code 78) and land to the west of it formerly owned by Austin Rogers and now in possession of Cavendish Farms. The purchase price was 30 pounds. John McKie had received the land as an inheritance as John McKie’s wife was a dau. of John Clark (see page 12).

Francis I farmed until his death on 4 Apr. 1873. Nancy d. 18 May 1874 and they are bur. in St. James R.C. Cem. in Summerfield.

Francis I and Nancy (McGuire) McCarville had seven children. 2a Mary Ann b. 1824 in Ireland. She m. Joseph Lawless, Norboro. 2b Bridget b. 1826 in Ireland. She m. William Rogers, Freetown. (See W. Rogers history.) 2c Agnes Adelaide b. 1827 in Ireland. She m. William Kinsman, St. Eleanors. 2d Nora Jane b. 1828 in Ireland. She In. Patrick Moynagh of Emerald. 2c Ellen b. 1829 in Ireland. She m. Archie Gillis, Emerald. +2f Francis 11 b. 1835 in Freetown. He m. Mary Ann Rogers, Freetown, a sister of William Rogers.

+2g James b. 1839 in Freetown. He m. 1. Honore Braham, Kensington. She d. in 1890 and is buried in Indian River R.C. Cem. He in. 2. Elizabeth McKenna.

+21 Francis McCarville II

Francis McCarville 11 took over his father’s farm where he carried on farming. While he was farming, the RE]. Railroad was constructed through his farm. A conveyance is recorded as dated 22 Sept. 1877. He received $19.48 for the said land and $10.82 for damage to his crops.