THOMAS McCARVILLE Thomas McCarville , resided in Freetown (code 33) where he owned 50 acres of land and buildings. He also had 50 acres free hold land on the south side of the main Freetown road (code 81). There is no mention of Thomas in the 1841 census but Isabella, his wife, is listed as a farmer in the 1861 census. Thomas and Isabella had three sons: Thomas, Henry and John, and three daus.: Mary, Ellen and Isabella. Thomas d. 28 Aug. 1858. John Reeves witnessed his will which was made in July 1858. The will states that the dau. Isabella was very young when he died, that the farm was to go the youngest son John, if Isabella remarried, and that son Thomas was to get 50 acres (code 81). If Thomas stayed with his mother three years, he was to get the use of the farm implements and a house. Thomas was to pay his brother, Henry, five pounds per year for three years out of the farm operation. The daus. received bequests. Isabella d. 1869. There is no known relationship between this family and Francis McCarvill I's family. BERNARD McCOURT It is believed that Bernard I. McCourt , b. 1810, lived on the on a site near where Edward Mclvor resides in 1985. This is near where the Smiths lived. Bernard's mother d. when he was young and he was brought up at the Smith house. Mrs. Smith was a sister of Bernards mother. Bernard d. 24 May 1878 and is bur. in St. Malachy's Cem. at Kinkora . On 1 May 1860, J.R. Bourke , an attorney for Messrs. Thomson , leased 50 acres on the north side of the to Bernard McCourt (code 90). There was a second agreement on 1 May 1868. On the same day, 25 acres east of the above 50 acres was transferred to Mr. McCourt . This is included in code 90. Bernard McCourt m. Ann Mulligan . She was b. in Newton. They raised nine ch. all b. in Freetown and surname McCourt. 2a Patrick b. 1873. He moved to Lot 9 in 1892 and worked in a blacksmith shop. He was also a postmaster in Coleman. He m. 1. Bridget Whalen , Lot 8 and they raised six children. Bridget d. 1927. He m. 2. Rose Arsenault , Lot 6 . Patrick d. 1937. + 2b Michael b. 30 July 1874. He m. 1. Alice McKenna and had a dau. Rita. She m. Thomas Hamill , Middleton. He m. 2. Mary Mulligan . They had two ch.: Mervin and Mary Alice. 2c Anastasia (Annie) b. 17 Mar. 1876. She m. Austin McCarron . They lived in Haverhill, She had four ch.: 1. Hugh, 2. Marguerite, 3. Mary, 4. Gerald. 2d Bridget Emma b. 12 Oct. 1878. She m. William Greenan . They moved to Coleman. They farmed and had three ch.: 1. Leo, 2. Leonard, 3. Eileen. + 2e Louis b. 22 Sept. 1880. He m. Mary, dau. of Bernard and Martha (Roberts) Murphy, Freetown . 2f Catherine Mae (Katie) b. 26 Aug. 1883. Shem. Jerome Malone and moved to Haverhill, They had two ch.: Madeline and Edna. 2g John b. 1887; n.m. He worked with Charles Beairsto in the tailor shop at Freetown . He d. 1942. He owned a parcel of land on the . 2h Priscilla b. 4 June 1891. She m. Emmett Clow , Freetown . He was b. 1894 and d. 11 Sept. 1978. He was a C.N. Employee . Priscilla d. 25 Mar. 1983. They had five ch.: 1. Everett. 2. Louis, of Morell . 3. Claude, of New Haven . 4. Earl, of Emerald . 5. Ivan, of New Haven . + 2 i Walter b. 1895. Hem . Agatha Murphy , a sister of brother Louis'wife, she was b. 1893. They had one son, Lloyd. 2j Beatrice m. Edward McKenna . They had two ch.: Earl and Alice. + 2b Michael McCourt Michael owned 50 acres on the south side of the , (code 139 and 140). He farmed and was a section man with the C.N.R . later a section foreman for years. The farm was taken over by his son Mervin following the death of his father. Mervin lived on the farm for a few years and sold out. He then moved to Kinkora where he was employed with various farmers. 3a 2b Mervin b. 1900. He m. 1. Adelaide Martin . She d. They had one son, Louis, who m. Frances Sherry , and they had six ch: 1. Sherry b. 17 May 1962. 2. Paul b. 5 Oct. 1963. 3. Gregory b. 12 Dec. 1964. 4. Mark b. 9 Dec. 1965. 5. Ian b. 16 Aug. 1969. 6. Dorothy b. 5 July 1972. Mervin m. 2. Myrtle Duffy , 341