PATRICK McCOURT Patrick McCourt resided on the south side of the (code 140) on 25 acres of land. Patrick was b. 1812 and his wife Ann was b. 1834 in Ireland. They had at least five ch. surname McCourt all b. in South Freetown . 2a Annie b. 1857. She m. Joseph Clow , Freetown . (See Clow history.) 2b Catherine b. 1858. 2c Margaret b. 1868. She was called "Maggie" and was incapacitated. When her parents d. she came to live with her sister Annie Clow , in Freetown . She d. 1 Feb. 1952 and is bur. in Freetown People's Cem. 2d James b. 1870; n.f.r. 2e Peter b. 1874; n.f.r. REV . WILFRED J. MacLEOD Wilfred J. lived in Freetown with his dau. Norma Jean and son-in-law Robert Schurman from 1966 to 1973. He was the son of John T. MacLeod and Mary Smith whose parents came from Scotland . After receiving his education and M.A.B.D . degrees, he ministered in several Island charges as well as charges in N.S . and Western Canada . He m. Florence M. MacLean , R.N ., of North Wiltshire , dau. of Murdock and Bessie MacLean. They had one son, Ian M., a barrister in Charlottetown and one dau., Norma Jean , Mrs. Robert Schurman . He d. 18 Nov. 1973 and she d. 4 July 1959. She lived in Freetown with her dau. about one year. Michael McDonald Michael purchased a lease on 25 acres of land (code 142) on the on 21 Dec. 1880. He held this property until it was transferred to John H. Bell , Summerside in 1895. The 1881 Atlas shows buildings on the property but information on the members of the family has not been found. JAMES McINNIS In 1977, James Mclnnis bought the buildings and about 4 acres of land that was formerly owned by Barnaby Croken and later owned by his son, George Croken (code 30). James served in World War II for its duration. Upon his return he went in to a grocery business on Water St. East in Summerside known as "Ralph and Jimmies ". In 1953, Ralph left the business and Jimmy carried on until 1983, when he sold the property. The Tim Horton franchise has built a new building on the site where they carry on their business. Jimmy then moved to Freetown where he has retired. He is now a hobby farmer. James Mclnnis was b. 9 July 1919 in Summerside , the son of Ambrose Mclnnis a carpenter by trade, who in his early years lived in Bedeque and m. Amy Craig , a native of the Kensington area. Charles Mclnnis , a one time partner of Sheen and Mclnnis Ltd ., was a brother, and Mrs. John Lecky was a sister. PATRICK McKENNA Patrick McKenna leased the last parcel of land on the that was in the South Freetown School District, 20 February 1880 at 80 cts an acre per year, (code 145). He owned more land in the Newton district, immediately south of the Dunk River . A headstone believed to have been made by himself is erected in St. Malachy's Cem. in Kinkora in his memory. Patrick was b. in Newton and was m. twice and had four children. He and his first wife had two children. 2a Mary Ann. She m. a Murtagh. Mrs. Emmett McKenna , Newton, is a descendant. + 2b Frank. He m. Kate Hughes , Shamrock . Patrick and his second wife had two children: 2c Edward b. in Newton. He m. a McCourt and moved to St. Peters . A son, Earl, operated the McKenna's parcel express from Charlottetown to Tignish for a number of years. He d. of a heart attack. Earl's son continues to operate this business. 2d Mack b. in Newton. He m. Sarah McCaffrey . 343