DUNCAN McPHEE Duncan purchased 140 acres of land (code 49) from Ronald McCormick in 1869. The main was the south border of the farm and the Old went north west through it to . Duncan was a first class carpenter besides being a farmer and came from the North River area. According to the 1881 census, Duncan was b. 1803. He m. Catherine Scott , b. 1801. She was the dau. of Rev. John Scott who was the first ordained Baptist Minister on P.E.I. He emigrated from Perthshire, Scotland in 1807. She endured the hardships of a pioneer life of which she could give a very graphic description until within a few days of her death. She d. 6 Dec. 1883. They had a family of at least five ch. 2a Danny b. 1841. Danny lived on the farm for many years; n.m. 2b John b. 1843. John lived on the farm for years. His main interest was raising and training race horses. See race horse story, chapter 9; n.m. 2c Allan b. 1845; n.f.r. 2d Duncan b. 1847; n.f.r. 2e George b. 1849; n.f.r. It is apparent that Henry Taylor was staying at McPhees when the census was taken as his age was given as being 14 years. FRANCIS MacPHERSON In 1951, Francis MacPherson , Dominion, , N.S . came to Freetown to help harvest potatoes. He was employed with J. Eldon Drummond that fall and returned to Dominion. In 1952, he returned to Freetown and worked on the farm for Orville Reeves where he remained until 1961. In 1961, he bought a parcel of land on the North Freetown Road (code 28) containing 100 acres of land, from Hillard Andrews . This farm had been in possession of the Hughes family for many years. He continued to farm on this land until 1981, when he sold the land to , Central Bedeque , and kept the buildings and a small acreage. Francis is now employed with Patrick Curley , Summerfield . Francis was the son of Martin MacPherson and Margaret (Acker) MacPherson of Dominion, N.S. He was b. 6 Jan. 1936. He m. Louise Pineau , the daughter of Frank Pineau and Emma (Doucette) Pineau, in 1954 in Rustico . Louise was b. 8 Feb. 1935. They had six ch. and all except one attended Freetown school and schools in Summerside . 2a Florence b. 27 July 1955. She m. Myles Birch and lives in Summerside . Florence is Postmistress at Borden. They have two ch.: Andy and Sarah. 2b Donald b. 1956. He d. four months later. 2c David b. 15 Nov. 1957. He m. Beverley Bryenton and they live in Norboro . They have one son, Robin. 2d Kenny b. 4 Dec. 1960. 2e Myles b. 4 Dec. 1961. 2f Anne b. 6 Apr. 1963. Submitted by Francis McPherson MARTIN JOE MacPHERSON Martin Joe MacPherson came to Freetown from Dominion, in 1956. He was employed with several farmers in the Freetown area. He lives on the south side of the main in a new house (see east side of code 58). Edith has been a faithful employee of Holmans Ltd . in Summerside . Martin Joe was b. in Dominion, , the son of Martin (deceased) and Margaret (Acker) MacPherson now of Freetown , 28 Jan. 1940. He m. Edith Stetson , dau. of George Simpson and Ella Pearl (Dammarell) Stetson, 19 Aug. 1961. She was b. 14 Aug. 1922. They have one daughter. 2a Marilyn b. 29 Sept. 1962. She is single and is employed as a resident care worker at the Manor in Summerside . 345