3a 2b Joseph Lea. 3b 2b Hattie.

+3c 2b William Russell. 3d 2h Annie. 3e 2b Fred Appleton. 2c Henry.

2d Mary m. James Johnston. (See Johnston history.)

2e Matilda Ann b. 3 June 1840; m. 19 Feb. 1859, Stephen Van Buskirk. He was b. 2 Mar. 1831; d. 20 May 1903. They lived in Fortune Cove, where they farmed and had eight children.

+2a Charles Maxfield _ Charles, son of Timothy and Margaret Maxfield, b. 14 Sept. 1837; d. 29 Dec. 1918; m. Sibella Cairns,

dau. of William and Ellen (Stewart) Cairns. Charles invented a mud digging machine, and obtained a patent in 1868. He had land in Lower Freetown (code 121) on the old Malpeque road, where he farmed. Some time after 1875, Charles and his family moved to Alberta, and settled near Edmonton. They had seven ch.

3a 2a William Henry b. 7 Aug. 1869 at Freetown; m. 27 July 1898 Catherine Rye, in Edmonton, Alta. He d. 21 Nov. 1949 in Alta.

3b 2a Margaret Ellyn b. 7 Aug. 1869 at Freetown; d. 30 July 1953 in BC; m. 17 May 1894, Rev. E.E. Hardwick in BC.

3c 2a Priscilla b. 2 Dec. 1870 at Freetown; d. 31 Dec. 1895 in Alta.; m. Dec. 1894, Joseph Carson in Edmonton, Alta.

3d 2a Jessie Annetta b. 5 Dec. 1872 at Freetown; d. 7 Mar. 1940 in Alta.; 111. Rev Charles Procunier, 7 Dec. 1892 in Edmonton, Alta.

3e 2a Charles Leonard b. 30 Aug. 1874 at Freetown; d. 6 June 1945 in Alta.; m. 2 Feb. 1920, Ellen Tims in BonAccord, Alta.

3f 2a Loretta Jane b. 14 Sept. 1876; d. 1 Nov. 1917 at Namao, Alta.; m. 15 June 1898, Samuel Allen Carson, in Alta.

3g 2a George Albert b. 3 Apr. 1882; d. 18 Oct. 1958 in Santa Ana, Cal. m. 5 Oct., Marie Youman, in Cal. U.S.A. George was a railway engineer.

Submitted by Donald Maxfield

+4a3c2b William Maxfield

William Maxfield moved from Fortune Cove to Scales Mill in South Freetown on the 11 Aug. 1949. He with his wife and family lived in the small housejust below the house where John Heffell lived. He took over the position that was held by Fred Perry of Freetown. William stayed for three years and left 11 Aug.

1952. William now operates a trailor rental and repair business in St. Eleanors.

William’s grandfather was Edmund Crosby Maxfield who was a blacksmith in Lower Freetown on the property (code 121) where Mrs. Fenton Simmons resides in 1985 . The definite date when he moved to Fortune Cove is not known but he was settled there when the 1881 census was taken. Edmund operated a blacksmith shop in the building that was the first school in Fortune Cove.

William b. 23 Feb. 1925 was the son of Russell and Annie (Coughlin) Maxfield. He m. Lilliam MacDonald of Milo, 20 Dec. 1946. She was b. 10 Jan. 1928. They have two sons: Edwin Charles b. 25 June 1948 and Donald Lea b. 24 Aug. 1949. Edwin m. Nancy Arsenault. They reside in Summerside and have three ch: Tara Dee b. 22 Oct. 1974, Andrew William b. 26 Feb. 1978 and Lindsay Rae b. 12 Sept. 1983. Donald is single

and resides at home. Submitted by Lillian Maxfield

ANDREW MILE Andrew Mile purchased the property that was owned by Cecil and Hazel Paynter (code 44). It contains 125 acres. He came to Freetown on 8th of Nov. 1972. Since acquiring this farm, he has made many renovations