4d 3i2h Melinda b. 9 Feb. 1948. She m. John Gaudet, 25 Oct. 1969. They have one son Patrick, b. 11 Feb. 1972. Melinda is an RN. and is Assistant Director of Nursing at RC. Hospital. John is a quadriplegic, the result of an automobile accident. They reside in Central Bedeque.
Submitted by Doris Moynagh GABRIEL “GABE” MURPHY Gabe Murphy moved to Freetown in the early 19205. He worked on the farm for Clayton Smith for several years, then he was employed by Austin A. Scales on the farm and later as a linesman on the Scales Hydro Electric lines.
Gabe died as a result of being electrocuted while working with an electric crew in the Town of Summerside
After Gabe m. Lillian Murphy they resided in the house on the Christopher Cairns property on the North Freetown Road (code 20). In 1985 the farm land is owned by Cavendish Farms.
Gabe was b. 1903 at Bloomfield. He m. Lillian Murphy of Charlottetown ca. 1926. She was b. 8 June 1911. They raised eight ch. surname Murphy.
2a John Gabriel, (1. y.
2b John Edward b. 11 Dec. 1929. He lived in Freetown for years where he worked as a farm labourer. He operated a taxi car in Summerside. He is now living in Lower Freetown (code 50).
20 Joseph b. 27 Dec. 1930. He lived in Freetown and worked for Simmons MacFarlane Ltd. and others. In 1985 he is residing in North Bay, Ont. He is m. and has one child, deceased.
2d William Walter b. ca. 1932. He lives in Tilbury, Ont. 2e Isobel b. 15 Nov. 1936. She m. Russell Matthews. (See Matthews history.)
2f James b. 1937. He m. Emily Gallant, a dau. of Solomon and Jane (Arsenault) Gallant, New Annan. They have six ch: 1. David, 2. Duane, 3. Darlene, 4. Diane, 5. Darren, 6. one child deceased. James now lives in Travellers Rest. He is employed with McCardle Bros., Middleton.
2g Elaine b. 2 Apr. 1942, in Summerside; m. John Boelhouwer and they have four ch: 1. Shirley, 2. George, 3. Wayne, 4. Glennie.
2h Jeanie b. 19 Oct. 1948. She m. Ken Muttart who worked in Freetown. They have two ch: Michael b. 27 May 1968 and Melisse b. 4 Jan. 1971. Jean and Kenny are now separated.
Submitted by Lillian Murphy
James Murphy was born in Long River where he farmed most of his life. In 1880 he bought a 43 ac. block of land on the west side of the Old Malpeque Road (code 124) in Lower Freetown from J abez Arbing. James Murphy stayed on this farm for a time and then sold it to John Delaney. James Murphy was known as an intelligent and friendly man, with a keen interest in politics, being a staunch conservative. After leaving Freetown he moved to Wilmot Valley, where he resided on the former Gay property now owned (1985) by Layton Huestis.
James m. Christine MacKay and they had three ch: 1. Jessie, 2. Mary, went to Boston and m. Edward Chedney of Roxbury, Mass. They had four children. 3. Andrew, m. Laura Walker. They lived in Wilmot Valley and farmed. They later moved to Mill Valley, where Andrew was employed at the electric—power plant, in which he was killed. Andrew and Laura had three ch: (a) David now living in Charlottetown and Florida, (b) James who lived in Kensington and (c) Ira who lived in Toronto.
Mrs. Murphy m. 2. Bert Hogg of Kelvin Grove, following Andrew’s death.
James Murtagh was b. in County Armagh, Ireland in 1793. He emigrated to RBI. in 1810. He was the only Murtagh that came to the Island to live. He settled on land in Lot 26, now Newton. This land extended from Newton over the Dunk River to the Nodd Road in Freetown and contained about 500 acres (code 92). His first wife took sick and d. on the way here and was buried at sea. They had a son Peter who went to the Civil War in USA. (1861-64) and is believed to have settled in Quebec or Ontario. James m. 2. Bridget Finley in 1841, she came from Ireland on the same boat as he did. They had four ch: 1. Patrick b. 7 Nov. 1844, 2. John b. 24 June 1847 and d. 4 June 1944. He lived on his fathers farm. 3. Mary b. 2 May 1850. She