ALLAN W. PALMER Allan was a self taught electrical and mechanical engineer. He was one of the first on P.E.I , to build a radio receiving set. About 1923, he established the first car garage in Lot 11 and later Tyne Valley . After he left Tyne Valley he operated the Dunk River Hydro Electric Plant in Freetown before settling in Summerside , where he established a plumbing business known as Palmer & Williams in 1941. Allan also entered the real estate business and constructed several modern apartment buildings. Allan and Helen made many friends while residing in Freetown . Allan Walker was the son of Jonathan D. Palmer , who m. Mary Eliza Walker (1863-1949), a school teacher from Freetown (see Walker history). He was b. 1899 and d. 1957. He m. Helen S. Bell , Alberton . They had two sons: 1. Edgar Poole m. Helen Clark , Windsor , N.S. ; presently reside in North Rustico . 2. Ingham Wright b. 1903 m. 1. Maude Henderson , divorced, m. 2. Martha______, resides in Shediac, N.B. He was a mill-wright. JOSEPH PARSONS Joseph Parsons leased 50 acres on the north side of the from Joseph and Benjamin Bradshaw, (code 103). It is not known how long the Parsons lived here. The roadway to this property entered from the . Joseph d. in June 1874. His wife's name was Sarah. On the 24 Dec. 1874, John Tremere of Lot 31 and Elias Bishop , Summerside , the executors of his estate sold the lease to Charles Reeves for $389.33. Russell and Marie Howatt possess the house and lot, that originally was part of the Parsons farm (1985). ERNEST PAUGH Ernest Paugh moved to Freetown Village from St. Eleanors in Apr. 1984. He was a son of George Paugh of Northam . He is a fisherman and specializes in gathering Irish Moss. Ernest was b. 15 Aug. 1941. He m. Julie Bernard . They had two children: Bradley b. 12 May 1974 and Debbie b. 17 May 1976. Rosella (Bernard) Gallant b. 29 Apr. 1950 now resides in Freetown and has one dau. Wanda b. May 1974. Submitted by Ernest Paugh CLAUDE PAUPTIT James Claude Pauptit bought a lot of land on the north side of the main in 1980 (code 49). He built a new home and moved into it in 1981. Claude is a bricklayer by trade and also plays in a dance band. His wife, Adelle, is a registered nurse and is employed at Prince County Hospital. Claude was b. 2 Nov. 1952. He is a son of Herman and Reta (Colwill) Pauptit of Sherbrooke . He m. Margaret Adele MacDonald , dau. of Myrtle (Callbeck) MacDonald and the late Elmer MacDonald of Crapaud . She was b. 31 Aug. 1953. They attend Freetown United Church. They have two ch: 2a Dawn b. 31 May 1980. 2b Barbara Lee b. 12 Jan. 1983. Submitted by Adele Pauptit THOMAS ANDREW PAYNTER Thomas Andrew Paynter was a blacksmith by trade. He was b. and raised in Long River . He moved to Freetown in 1933 where he built a blacksmith and wood working shop. Andrew and Elsie rented a place to live for some years and then built a home of their own next to the shop (see south east corner code 39). Mrs. Paynter still resides here in 1985. Andrew was b. 1894 in Springbrook and d. 1980 at Freetown . Andrew m. 1. Bessie Pickering b. 1896, she d. when their house in Long River was burned in 1928 aet. 32. Andrew and Bessie (Pickering) Paynter raised five ch: surname Paynter. 2a George Irvine b. 9 Oct. 1917 at Long River . He m. Leola Gallant . George was a supervising carpenter for many years. They had six ch: 1. Austin, St. Eleanors . 2. George Jr ., Summerside . 3. Norma m. Gordon Campbell , lives in B.C . 4. Clarence and 5. John, both in Summerside . 6. Andy in Middleton. George Irvine d. 27 Feb. 1985. 364