JOHN POWER John Power owned 75 acres on the Nodd Road (code 91). The house and lot now owned by Edward Murtagh is situated on this property.

John Power was b. 1838. He m. Ellen Lawless, a dau. of Capt. Thomas Lawless of Norboro. She was b. 1835. They had at least eight ch. surname Power and b. in Freetown.

2a Margaret E. b. 1864.

2b William b. 1866. He was m. and lived in Hyannis, Mass. He (1. 11 Mar. 1915, leaving a widow and three sons.

2c David b. 1868. He moved to the US. 2d James b. 1870; n.f.r. 2e John Henry b. 1872; n.f.r. +2f Thomas E. b. 1874. He m. Edith, a sister of John Edward Mulligan.

2g Mary Ann b. 1876. She m. Michael McCourt. (See McCourt history.) 2h Michael Ambrose (Amby) b. 1879. He lived in Emerald.

+ 21" Thomas E. Power Thomas Power resided on 50 acres on the Nodd Road (code 138). This is the farm where Everett Reeves now lives, 25 ac. was purchased from William Clow in 1906.

Thomas Power’s wife Edith d. when she was young. Thomas later m. Nellie (Riley) Reeves, whose first husband Edmund Reeves d. in 1937 age 49.

Thomas and Nellie had one son.

3a 2f James (Jimmy) was an engineer on a C.N.R. locomotive for many years. He m. Betty Beagan of Charlottetown. They had a family of eleven ch. all b. and living in Charlottetown: Gordon, Kenny, Mary, Gary, Bobby, Allan, Eddie, Gene, Ann, David and Mike.

PETER POWER Peter Power succeeded M.P. Driscoll as C.N. Agent at Freetown in 1927. In 1930 he was transferred to the Agency at Kensington. He was succeeded at Freetown by C.B. Matheson.

Peter was the son of James and Mary (McMahon) Power and had four sisters: Mamie, Mrs. Sylvester Monaghan, Kelly’s Cross; Margaret, Mrs. William Devine, Hunter River; Catherine n.m.; and Florrie n.m.; also two brothers Emmett, a C.N. agent at Miscouche; and James, a blacksmith in Emerald.

Peter m. Florence MacPherson of St. Margarets;. They had one dau. Mary who m. Everett Jay and they have a son Everett, now living in the US.

ARNOLD PRAUGHT Arnold Praught came to Freetown around 1963. He was In. and had at least four ch; they attended Lower Freetown School: 1. Peter b. 29 Sept. 1955; 2. Clair b. 21 Nov. 1957; 3. Michael b. 7 Jan. 1960; 4. Robert

b. 16 May 1961.


On the 21 Dec. 1915, John N. Profitt of Spring Valley purchased 100 acres of land in Lower Freetown on the Old Malpeque Road. (code 48). He bought it from Samuel E. Yeo. This farm had been owned by Caleb Taylor and his son Joseph Taylor operated it for a time. Woodland Simmons also farmed it for a few years and then Samuel Yeo owned it until Dec. 1915. John Profitt was one of seven children born to Richard and Theresa (MacKie) Profitt. He sold his farm in Spring Valley and moved to Lower Freetown in 1915. John was active in the community, as well as being a successful farmer. He was a carpenter and sold asphalt shingles for years. The Pro fitts became well known for their prize winning pure bred holstein cattle. They attended the Presbyterian Church until 1925 when they affiliated with the United Church.

John Nelson Profitt was b. in Spring Valley in 1870. He m. Maude Bernard, the daughter of Charles and Jane (Palmer) Bernard. She was b. in 1874. John Profitt d. 2 June 1964 and Maude d. 13 Mar. 1950. They had three ch. surname Profitt.