



5d4k3b2a Jimmy b. 25 Feb. 1957. He m. Catherine Hammill and they live in Cornwall. They have

one child 7a6h5d4k3b2a Nicole Lynn b. 1981.

5d4k3b2a Bernard b. 15 July 1959. He m. Laurie Murphy in 1981. They live in Freetown. They have

one child 7a6i5d4k3b2a Teresa b. 1984.

5d4k3b2a Cynthia b. 20 June 1961; n.m. and lives in Charlottetown where she is employed with Garden City Dairy. -

5d4k3b2a Mary b. 15 Sept. 1962; n.m. and lives in Charlottetown and is employed at Hillsborough Hospital.

+3g2a Joseph Reeves

Joseph Reeves took over the farm or part of the farm that was purchased by John Reeves in 1857 (code 25). Joseph Reeves b. 11 Apr. 1861 and d. 29 June 1949. He m. 1. Millicent Somers who was b. 13 Feb. 1868

and d. 29 Oct. 1918. In 1924 Joseph m. 2. Emma Grace (Barlow) Campbell who was b. 1876 in Wellington. Emma was m. 1. John Campbell, Cape Traverse, she d. Oct. 1960.

+ 4a 4b





Joseph and Millicent (Somers) Reeves had a family of ten children.

3g2a Joseph Scott b. 28 Apr. 1888 and d. 20 Nov. 1971.

3g2a Adella Myrtle b. 10 July 1890 in Freetown and d. 27 Sept. 1950. She m. Harry Wellington Paynter, Long River, 18 Mar. 1913. He was b. 11 Mar. 1889. They had five children: 1. William Archibald (Archie) b. 17 May 1914. He m. Velma Reeves, Freetown. They had one adopted daughter, Charlotte who m. Terry Curley, Norboro. 2. Millicent Reeves b. 30 Apr. 1916 and d. 20 Aug. 1916. 3. Eustace Heath b. 21 Mar. 1917. He m. Irene Reeves a granddaughter of Hubert and Margaret Reeves. They had no family. Eustace d. 29 June 1961. Irene m. 2. Jim Buffin of Edmonton, Alta. 4. Alma Bell b. 19 Dec. 1919. She m. Ian Henderson, Margate. They have three children: (a) Faye m. James Wade, Edmonton, 9 June 1984. (b) Carol m. Kenneth J ollimore, French River. They have three children: Adella, Julie and David. (c) Glen m. Bonnie Lee on 16 Nov. 1974 and they have two children: Jason Thomas and Angela Lee b. 14 Feb. 1979. 5. Harry Vernon b. 7 Oct. 1925. He m. Ella Jean Stavert 28 Apr. 1948. She was b. in Freetown 22 Sept. 1929. They had six children: (A) Wanda Jean b. 11 May 1949. She m. Joseph Curtis Ferguson, Hampton 27 May 1967. They have three children: (a) Paul Curtis b. 9 Nov. 1967 (b) Traci Joanne b. 19 Aug. 1970 and (c) Terri Leanne b. 22 July 1971. (B) Carl Vernon b. 27 June 1950, single. (C) Velda Irene b. 4 Nov. 1952. She had two children: (a) Charmaine Kyla b. 31 Dec. 1975, (b) Nicole Robin b. 27 Sept. 1979. (D) Garth Eustace b. 21 Mar. 1954, single. (E) Marsha Lynn b. 13 May 1956. She m. Derek Jackson 14 Dec. 1974. He was b. 7 Oct. 1954 in England. They had two children: (a) Shawn Darrell b. 6 Apr. 1975. (b) Christopher b. 18 Mar. 1977. (F) Darren Wade b. 8 Aug. 1970.

3g2a Martha Elizabeth b. 16 May 1893 in Freetown. She m. Walter Scott Burns of Freetown b. 30 June 1897. He d. 17 Jan. 1976. (See Burns history.)

3g2a Eustace b. 25 June 1895 in Freetown. He m. Nettie Dammarell, Freetown b. 7 Feb. 1888. She d. 14 Nov. 1974. He d. 10 June 1984.

3g 2a John Archibald b. 7 Nov. 1897 in Freetown. He m. Laura Bell Francis, Freetown, she was b. at Spring Valley, 3 Feb. 1899. John A. d. 14 Jan. 1976.

3g2a Annie Rebecca b. 13 Sept. 1900 in Freetown. She m. George Kemp Luker, 28 Oct. 1924. He was b. in Ratham, Yorkshire, England 19 June 1882. She d. 2 Mar. 1976 and he d. 2 Feb. 1977. They had four children: 1. Shirley Alaine b. 6 June 1925 in Winnipeg. She 111. George Mapson of New Westminister, BC, 9 July 1948. They have six children: (a) Darrel Lynn m. Barry Brewer, B.C., no family. (b) George Kemp, single. (c) Edgar Thomas In. Isobell Krommer in 1978, they have one child, Kimberley b. 16 July 1979. (d) Robert Allan, single. (e) Ronald William, single. (0 Barbara Joan, single. 2. Darrell Royce b. 10 Nov. 1926 in Michelton, Sask; n.m. 3. Millicent Audrey b. 30 Mar. 1928 in Imperial, Sask. She m. Eric Anderson, 16 Sept. 1949. Eric was b. 28 May 1928. They had four children: (a) Dean Marie b. 9 Mar. 1952, (b) John Eric b. 18 June 1953, (c) Joanne Lee b. 3 July 1955, (d) Barbara Louise b. 27 July 1959. All b. in New Westminister, BC. 4. Edgar Vernon b. 23 Mar. 1931 in Imperial, Sask. He m. Elizabeth Logan 9 Feb. 1955. She was b. 9 Oct. 1934 in Langley, BC. They had four children: (a) Charles John b. 9 Apr. 1956, (b) Cynthia Helen b. 14 July 1958, (c) Vernon William b. 30 Oct. 1959, a.b.c. were b. in New Westminister, B.C. (d) Cheryl Ann b. 10 June 1965, in Merritt, BC.