+5g4a3g2a Melvin Reeves Melvin resides on the Campbell farm (code 34). He with his brothers, Karl and Ray, are painters and
operate as “Reeves Brosf’ painting contractors. They also do carpentry work. Melvin and Connie (Brown) Reeves have three children all b. in Freetown.
6a 5g4a3g2a Ronald Melvin b. 19 Aug. 1962; n.m.
6b 5g4a3g2a Rayna Megan b. 12 Feb. 1966; n.m. 6c 5g4a3g2a Rona Michelle b. 3 Mar. 1967; n.m.
+5i4a3g2a Karl Reeves Karl resided on the Campbell farm (code 34) for a number of years. He then sold it and bought the
former John W. Lewis home and lot (code 66) on the Kinkora Road where he now resides. He is one of the partners in “Reeves Brosf’, painting contractors.
Karl and Dianne (Wheaton) Reeves have four daughters surname Reeves all b. in Freetown.
6a 5i4a3g2a Tracy Lynn b. 29 Jan. 1970. 6b 5i4a3g2a Tammy lee b. 7 May 1971. 6c 5i4a3g2a Tanya Lori b. 15 Feb. 1975. 6d 514a3g2a Terri Leslie b. 11 Aug. 1978.
+4d3g2a Eustace Reeves Eustace served overseas in the First World War in France and Belgium from 1914-18.
He returned home and took up farming on a farm adjoining his father’s farm in Freetown (code 25). Here he built a new house and barn, and in 1937 he sold this farm to Clarence Reeves and moved to Norboro,
where he resided until his death on 10 June 1984. Eustace and Nettie (Dammarell) Reeves had one son.
5a 4d3g2a Clifford Heath b. 3 Apr. 1923 in Freetown. He is single. Heath sold the farm, and moved to Kensington in 1984, where he now resides.
+4e3g2a John Archibald Reeves
John Archibald and Laura Bell Francis were both employed in Cambridge, Mass. when they were married. They returned to Freetown in the fall of 1924 and bought a farm from Alfred Curley on the North Freetown Road (code 22). In 1935 they sold the farm to Edgar Reeves and moved to Imperial, Sask. The following year they moved to Man. After a few years they moved to Vancouver where he worked at the grain elevators. He returned to the Island in 1950 to attend his sister’s funeral. At this time he bought a farm in Kelvin to which he and his family returned in 1951. On retirement, they moved to the Senior Citizens Home in Summerside where Laura still resides. John Archibald d. 14 Jan. 1976 and is buried in Freetown People’s
Cem. John Archibald and Laura (Francis) Reeves had five children, surname Reeves.
5a 4e3g3a Zeta. She was the oldest girl and d. in infancy.
5b 4e3g2a Archibald Lee b. 29 July 1925 in Freetown. He moved west with his parents when 9 years old. He m. Agnes Mae Wilson in B.C., 24 Apr. 1948. She was b. in Manitoba 14 Feb. 1927. They have two children: 1. Zeta Lynn b. 22 Feb. 1949 in BC. she m. Gordie George Fox in 1970. They have three children: (a) Sandi Cher, b. 15 June 1973, (b) Sherie Laura b. 31 Dec. 1975, (c) Cody Ryan b. on P.E.I., 8 July 1978. 2. Errol Lee b. in B.C., 16 Mar. 1952. He m. Cheryl Cowie, 9 May 1980. They have two
children: (a) John Harley and (b) Corey Lee b. 30 Apr. 1983.
5c 4e3g2a Don Spurgeon b. 4 July 1934 in Freetown. He m. Margaretta (Mannie) Briggs, 25 June 1955 in BC. She was b. in BC. They had five ch. surname Reeves: 1. Shane b. 16 Sept. 1956 in BC. where he resides. 2. Wade Lee b. 20 June 1959 on P.E.I. He resides in BC. 3. Kelly Lynn b. 13 Jan. 1961 in P.E.I. She m. Tom Brown, Richmond, they have three children: (a) Sara Beverley b. 9 June 1980, (b) Jeffrey Thomas b. 22 June 1981, (c) April Dawn b. 3 May 1983. 4. Jan Marvin b. 14 Sept. 1964; n.m. 5. Kim Dale b. 29 Jan. 1969.