4 i 3b2c Roy b. 2 July 1904. He m. Bertha Murray , Bedeque . They have three children: 1. Donald m. Charlotte Flanagan and live in Kensington . They have six children: (a) Sarah Dawn m. Allan MacEwen , New London , and have three boys: Evan, Christopher and Gregory, (b) Wanda m. Ronald Campbell , Irishtown and have two girls: Rhonda and Carrie, (c) David m. Connie Cole , they live in Kensington and have a son, Ryan, (d) Kevin , lives at home, (e) and (f) twins, Tracey and Travis live at home. 2. Jean m. Ralph Owen and live in Kensington and have four children: (a) Lome m. Isabel Gallant , and live in St. Eleanors , and have two children: Melissa and Justin (b) Sandra , (c) Roy, (d) Shelley live at home. 3. Doris m. 1. Sheldon Adams who died. Shem. 2. Eric Holmes and they had four children: (a) Debbie m. Gary Williams and live in Indian River . They have two children: Nicolle and Adam, (b) Vicki m. Kevin Clow and live in Long River . They have one girl, Melanie. (c) Dennis m. Pamela Paynter and live in Clinton, they have one girl, Brandy, (d) Donna lives at home. 4j 3b2c Scott b. 22 Sept. 1905; n.m. and lived most of his life in Kensington . He d. in 1982. He is bur. in Freetown United Church Cem . + 4k 3b2c Russell b. 9 May 1907. He m. Reta Leard and they had seven children. 41 3b2c Thelma Margaret b. 15 June 1909. She m. Walter Mill , Clermont . Margaret d. 23 July 1981. They had a family of five children: 1. Willis Ellsworth ; n.m. He was a good worker, and played hockey with Royals. He d. 16 July 1978. 2. Willard Ray d. in infancy. 3. Roma Marie d. in infancy. 4. Wendell Erskine m. Eliza Baker . They live in Keppoch . They have two girls: (a) Carolyn at home (b) Wendy m. John Inglis and lives in Central Bedeque . Wendell has been employed with Packers for 33 years. 5. Shirley Faye m. Erroll Waugh, they live at New Annan and have two boys: (a) Wayne, (b) Lyle. Walter resides with his dau. Shirley and Erroll in 1985. 4m 3b2c Hazel Mildred b. 2 Aug. 1911. She m. Sydney Mill of Clermont and lived in Hamilton, Ont. They had a family of two: 1. Myrtle m. Tony Zarb. They had two sons: Joey and Bobby and are living in Brantford, Ont. 2. Clifford m. Norma O'Halloran , native of Cape Wolfe , now living in Hamilton, Ont. They have four children: (a) Cindy, (b) Judy, (c) Shawn, (d) Brian. Mildred d. 19 July 1985; bur. in Kensington . 4n 3b2c Barbara Marie b. 25 Feb. 1914. She m. 1. George Murray , Bedeque . They had two children: 1. Hillard m. Ruth Sobey . They live in Searletown and have four children: (a) Karen, (b) Wendy , (c) Nevin, (d) Lowell. 2. Georgie m. Robert Affleck , Bedeque and have two children: (a) Brian m. Kim Howatt, Bedeque and live in Whitby, Ont. (b) Marsha is attending Mt. Allison University in Sackville, N.B. Barbara m. 2. George Mill and lives in Sherwood . They had three children 3. Jarvis m. Susan Skikiwic and live in Charlottetown . They have three children: (a) Lana, (b) Tina, (c) Kent. 4. Irwin m. Nancy Dawson , Albany and have one son, Timothy. 5. Barbara Ann m. Irwin Jay of Mt. Stewart and have one daughter Krista. +4k3b2c Russell Reeves Russell Reeves (Little Russ ) was a labourer and worked with many farmers in the general area of Freetown . He was well known as a trader and loved to trade horses in particular. He lived the major part of his life in Freetown . He spent some time in the army and served in training at Camp Borden . Russell was b. in Freetown 9 May 1907. He m. Reta Leard , Augustine Cove , 6 Sept. 1941. She was b. 25 Mar. 1919. Reta was a good housekeeper and was a mainstay in keeping her family together. Russell and Reta (Leard) Reeves have seven children, all b. in Freetown and surname Reeves. 5a 4k3b2c Carl b. 1942. He m. Sandra Marchbank, Wilmot Valley . She was b. 28 Mar. 1947. Carl is a mechanical foreman with Bag Co. Mach. Div. They have three children: 1. Sheila b. 5 May 1964, employed at Surveying and Mapping Div., Summerside . 2. David b. 30 May 1966, employed at Linklet- ter Welding, C. Bedeque . 3. Trent b. 19 Aug. 1972, attends school. 5b 4k3b2c Lowell b. 1944. He m. Doris Best , . He is a truckman. They have four children: 1. Kathy b. 3 Sept. 1966. She m. Harvey Stevenson , North River 1984. 2. Kent b. 9 July 1970. 3. Korey b. 26 May 1971. 4. Kelly b. 29 May 1975. 5c 4k3b2c Elizabeth b. 1946. She m. Neil MacBeth , Cross Roads . He has his own business, Neil's Saw Sales & Service, Charlottetown . 5d 4k3b2c Holdsworth Russell b. 1950. He m. Susan Murray , Bedeque . They live in North St. Eleanors . They have two children: Crystal b. 8 Mar. 1973 and Christopher b. 9 Mar. 1974. Holdsworth is a mechanic but is presently farming full time. 389