6i 5d4a3a2g Thane b. 3 Sept. 1966. 6j 5d4a3a2g Lana Lee b. 30 Sept. 1968.

+4d3a2g Reginald Winford Reeves

Reginald took over his fathers farm of 100 acres (code 35) after James Henry’s death in 1936, where he continued to farm. He sold the land to Edwin K. Lewis in 1966 but continued to live in the house until they moved to a Senior Citizen’s Unit in Kensington.

Reginald and Lizzie (Burns) Reeves had three sons, surname Reeves b. in Freetown.

+ 5a 4d3a2g Lorne Ernest b. 7 June 1928. He In. Alberta Louise Clara Moase, dau. of R. Darrach Moase 31 Aug. 1950. She was b. 14 Dec. 1931.

+5b 4d3a2g Fenton Allison b. 6 Apr. 1933. He m. Janet Arlene Murphy, dau. of Frederick Murphy, Kensington, 26 Nov. 1960. She was b. 29 Sept. 1942.

Se 4d3a2g Gordon James b. 7 June 1940. He d. 7 June 1940.

+5a4d322g Lorne Ernest Reeves

Iorne has lived in Freetown all his life where he worked as a labourer eventually pursuing the carpentry trade. After his marriage in 1950, he purchased a house and lot in Freetown Village, formerly occupied by Randolph Arbing and family. Lorne and Alberta began delivering mail in the Freetown area ca. 1960, and took over both routes in 1975. They continue until the present time in 1985.

Lorne and Alberta (Moase) Reeves have eight children surname Reeves b. in Freetown.

+ 6a 5a4d3a2g Wayne Reginald b. 13 Dec. 1950. He m. Charlene Beatrice Ann Rafferty 28 Apr. 1973. She was b. 12 Jan. 1956.

6b 5a4d3a2g Barbara Kay Hazel b. 20 Jan. 1952. She m. Elmer Arsenault, 15 Apr. 1975. He was b. 28 Nov. 1951. They have two children: 1. Alberta Dawn b. 17 Sept. 1973, 2. Jason Elmer b. 28 Nov. 1981.

6c 5a4d3a2g Hazel Elizabeth 25 Jan. 1953. She m. Gordon Irwin Ferguson, 14 Apr. 1973. He was b. 4 May 1950. They have two children: Tammy Lee b. 18 Aug. 1974, and 2. Trevor Gordon Lorne b. 3 June 1975.

6d 5a4d3a2g Gordon Darrach b. 1959 and d. 1959. 6e 5a4d3a2g Garth Darrach b. 4 Oct. 1960. He works at Burns Poultry Farm.

6f 5a4d3a2g Donna Jean Allyson b. 31 Mar. 1961. She m. Ronald Farris, 23 July 1983. They have one child, Genna Jean b. 7 Jan. 1984.

6g 5a4d3a2g Terry Lorne b. 15 Jan. 1964. He is a cook at the Wedgewood Manor.

6h 5a4d3a2g Marvin Frederick b. 30 Apr. 1967. He is taking grade 12 at Three Oaks Senior High School, Summerside.

+6a5a4d3a2g Wayne Reginald Reeves

Wayne Reginald Reeves resides in a new home on the north side of the Nodd Road (code 104). He is employed as a maintenance and repair man with Curran and Briggs Ltd., St. Eleanors. Charlene is a worker with the Mentally Retarded.

Wayne and Charlene (Rafferty) Reeves have two children surname Reeves

7a 6a5a4d3a2g Nicole Lynn b. 4 Mar. 1975. 7b 6a5a4d3a2g Jamie Lee Ann b. 21 Oct. 1978.

+5b4d3a2g Fenton Allison Reeves

Allison resided in Freetown for many years. He bought the house and lot formerly owned by John W. Lewis (code 66). He lived there for several years before moving to St. Eleanors where he was employed with Linkletter Farms. His wife Janet was also employed there as office secretary.

Allison and Janet (Murphy) Reeves had two children, surname Reeves.

6a 5b4d3a2g Marina Anne b. 30 Aug. 1961. Marina is a medical receptionist. She m. Frank Loy. They are now divorced.