Joseph m. Bessie Robbins, a dau. of William and Rachel (Clow) Robbins. They lived in a house south of the railroad station, then it was moved just east of the old rink, on the main road. Bessie smoked in the window facing the road; this was a familiar sight in Freetown for many years. Although Bessie and Joe never had much of this world’s goods, many a young person was given food and shelter at their home. They had no children oftheir own. Joseph d. 5 July 1942. Later Bessie m. Ben DesRoche. She d. 27 Jan. 1965 act. 79.
They are bur. in Freetown People’s Cem.
SAMUEL BIRCH RIX JR. (May not be the Samuel Rix who lived in Freetown.) Samuel Rix is listed as the head of a household in Freetown in the 1861 census. He had possession of
100 acres of land (code 79) in fee simple.
His father, Samuel Birch Rix, was the progenitor of the Rixes on P.E.I. and arrived on the Isle of Saint John about 1790. His mother was Lydia Wright, dau. of William Wright. They settled in North Bedeque.
Samuel Birch Jr. was b. ca. 1803 and d. 1888. He 111. Amy Ann Dobson of Cape Traverse. They had three ch.: 1. William b. 1842 m. Elizabeth Brundage, Cascumpec. They lived in Lot 7 and moved to New Hampshire, US. where he (1. in 1910. 2. Mary Malinda b. 1843 and d. 1903. She m. James Augustus Gay, Knutsford. 3. John Dobson b. 1846 and d. 1927 at Danvers, Mass. He m. his first cousin, Lydia Ann Rix.
Two of his niece’s m. in Freetown. Ann Rix m. John Campbell and Jane Rix m. William Reeves.
GORDON RIX Gordon Rix came to Freetown from the Elmsdale area and worked for Scales Hydro Electric Co. Gordon
met with an unfortunate accident and was electrocuted while working on the power lines, 18 Aug. 1954. They lived on the main road (code 35).
He m. Georgie Francis of Freetown who was b. in 1926. They had three children.
2a Carolyn b. 20 Jan. 1953; n.m. 2b George b. 29 Mar. 1954; n.m. 2c Donna b. 5 May 1955; n.m.
They all live in Freetown.
Albert was b. 5 June 1907 in Central Bedeque. He was the son of Alexander (Sandy) and Libby (Crossman) Robbins. He m. Anna Murl, dau. of Charles and Gertie Murl, Freetown, on 20 Dec. 1933. Albert worked for Lewis & Lewis in the warehouse, grading potatoes. He also worked with some of the farmers in the neighbourhood. They lived across from the Deacon farm. They then moved to Charlottetown. Albert was in the army and was stationed at Camp Borden. Later, he worked at MacPhail’s sawmill in Cornwall, P.E.I. He then went with the G & G Milk Co., Charlottetown, P.E.I. Anna d. 29 Mar. 1979. Albert (1. 19
June 1982. They are buried in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens.
Albert and Anna (Murl) Robbins had four children surname Robbins. 2a Norma m. Mr. Geddis. They live in Nova Scotia. 2b Lorne m. Miss Gallant. 2c Allan m. Miss Buell. 2d Valerie In. Mr. Drew.
GEORGE ROBBINS George Robbins was listed as a labourer in the 1881 census. He lived in a house owned by Thomas Taylor, Freetown. The children attended school in Lower Freetown.
A daughter, Isabella, the third youngest in the family relates that she started to school at the age of six and that her first teacher was Bertha Fowler (1881). After her, a man, George West (1882) was her teacher. She also states that Clara Burns, Edith Burns, Wilbert Reeves, other Reeves and two Clark girls, daughters of Henry Clark, who managed the Fish Hatchery at Lower Freetown, were classmates of hers.
George Robbins was m. to Sarah Crossman and they had nine children surname Robbins.