3e 2a Louis Heath Fowler (Louis) b. 21 May 1903 d. 21 June 1981. Louis Heath Fowler was b. at Ross’ Corner, the youngest son of Louis Urquhart Fowler and Anna Isabella Rogers both of Loyalist descent. His primary education was obtained in P.E.I., Wetaskawin and Calgary, Alta. and his secondary education in Calgary, Alta. He first studied architecture. About 1922 he decided to study for the ministry. He was ordained a Presbyterian Minister in Lancaster, Ont. 13 May 1930. He received his D.D. at Knox College in 1960. He served in many pastorates. He was a Joint Clerk of Assembly later a Principal Clerk of General Assembly of his Church, and resigned in 1975. He was a free lance writer of note and had many hobbies, chief among them a worker in both wood and metals. He acquired these skills at home as his father was a carriage maker at Ross’ Corner. His earlier skills as a drafts- man were valuable as he lettered many diplomas and degrees from 1930-1970 for Knox College. Dr. Fowler d. in Port Hope, Ont. on 21 June 1981 where he was buried without eulogy or address at his funeral, on his direction.

+2b Thomas Picton Rogers (Picton)

Thomas Rogers b. 2 Dec. 1864 in Freetown, d. 4 Aug. 1937 in Rossland, B.C. On 22 June 1904 he m. Elizabeth Sophia Hiland (nee Scheel). She was b. 1 Mar. 1870 Galena, Ill. and d. 7 Aug. 1943 in Rossland, B.C. Picton worked in the Dunk River saw mill until injured by a flying plank. After his recovery, he took a business course in Charlottetown. He went West to find relief from his severe asthmatic condition. For a brief time he worked in the gold mines at Rossland, B.C. but later accepted employment in Morrison &

Bryanton’s Grocery store. Later he opened his own store, finally buying out the M & B Grocery store. He retired early in 1936. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Of this union were born:

+3a 2b Mary Elizabeth Rogers b. 9 Mar. 1906 in Rossland, B.C. Mary clerked in her father’s store and did dressmaking during the depression of the 19305. After her father’s death she trained at the Vancouver General Hospital, received her R.N. in 1941, took a post graduate course in obstetric s and gynaecology at the Royal Victoria Hospital in 1945. On 10 June 1946 she m. Robert Louis Cairns of Freetown. Following her marriage she took an active part in Sunday School and Canadian Girls in Tiaining; an interest developed years before in Rossland, B.C. She has been active in W.M.S. and later U.C.W. in Freetown Church. In Sept. 1983 she moved to Summerside. Mary is an ardent quilt maker and active member at the Village Craft House in North Bedeque. (See Cairns history.)

3b 2b Ruby Scheel Rogers b. 11 June 1909.

+2c Elizabeth Smith Rogers (Bessie)

Elizabeth Rogers b. 6 Aug. 1866 in Freetown and d. 18 Apr. 1944 in Lower Freetown. On 17 Jan. 1894 she m. Stewart Robert Cairns, b. 11 Apr. 1864 in Lower Freetown, d. 20 Mar. 1920. Bessie worked in her father’s carding mill before going to Vermont where her Uncle Rev. Tom Rogers was a minister. She returned

to Freetown to marry Stewart, a farmer and successful breeder of registered Ayrshire cattle. He called his farm ‘Glenholm’ (code 13). Stewart was an elder in the North Bedeque Presbyterian Church. They had three ch.: 1. Frank Lawson, 2. Mary Isabella, 3. Robert Louis. (See Cairns history.)

+ 2e Henry Llewellyn Rogers

Henry Rogers b. 18 Dec. 1869 in South Freetown, d. 8 July 1954 in New Westminster, BC. On 29 June 1904 he m. Florence Louisa Wright, b. 15 Oct. 1873 in North Carleton, P.E.I. d. 15 Oct. 1936 in New Westminster, BC. After they married they resided in South Freetown, where Henry worked in the Dunk River Grist Mill. Around 1907 or 1908 they moved to Calgary, Alta. and later to New Westminster where he worked for the Broder Canning Company. They had two children.

3a 2e Dorothy Louise Rogers b. 4 Aug. 1908. 3b 2e David Llewellyn Rogers b. 21 Dec. 1912 d. 9 Oct. 1967. Two years after his wife Lou’s death Henry married Lillian Duncan of New Westminister, B.C. +2f Matilda Ann Rogers Matilda Rogers b. in South Freetown 14 Jan. 1872 and d. 10 Jan. 1953 in New Westminister, B.C. On 4 July 1905 she m. Herbert Wesley Birch b. 7 May 1965 at Birch Hill, P.E.I. d. 25 Dec. 1929 in Calgary, Alta.

Herbert was a blacksmith in Lou Fowler’s Carriage Shop until the forge was sold in 1896. They lived in Bentley, Alta. where their only son, John, was born.

3a 2f John Wesley Birch b. 6 Jan. 1907.