warehouse. At this point in time, he began growing potatoes. On 4 Sept. 1923, he bought the farm known as the Wall Farm (code 73) that was occupied by J abez Arbing, James H. Reeves and Russell Reeves. Russell Reeves kept a frontage on the Freetown Road where he built a house, shop and barn. He also kept about six acres of land. The next year Austin bought another farm on the North Freetown Road from Charles Holmes (code 20). This farm was probably better known as the Christopher Cairns farm and contained 122 acres. Around 1925, Sebago potatoes began to be grown in Freetown and Austin Scales is recorded as having shipped Sebago potatoes to the Canadian Mexico Trading Co. Havana, Cuba.
In 1925 he began boarding at the home of Mrs. Jonah (Fannie) Lewis, near Freetown village, now owned by Mr. Everett Francis (code 71).
On 5 Apr. 1928 Austin A. Scales purchased the entire shares, stock, authorities and privileges enjoyed by the Dunk River Hydro Electric Co. Ltd., and in the following year he founded the Scales Hydro Electric Co. Ltd. (See history on the Mills on the Dunk at Scales’ Pond, chapter 4.)
On 15 Aug. 1928 he purchased the Baker house in the village. This house was built by John White for Albert Craig the merchant in Freetown in the 1890’s for $1400.00. Albert Craig sold this house to Charles E. Taylor. Taylor sold it to J. Stavert Walker, who sold it to Davis Baker, thus, it was called the Baker house.
In 1930 he became president of The Island Fertilizer Inc. in Charlottetown which he established. In 1932 he became the first president of Associated Shippers Incorporated, which was involved in the export trade and sale of produce, including seed and table potatoes.
In 1943 he was actively involved in Island Foods Ltd. Incorporated, it was probably better known as the Dehydration Plant, and was situated on the Robinson Mill site in Summerside. The Company sold dehydrated potatoes to the Special Products Board. This business was sold in December 1950.
In 1950 Austin was elected Chairman of the Board of the Prince County Hospital. He continued in that position until 1957. He was a Director of The Industrial Development Bank and the Bank of Canada, under Governor of the Bank, James Coyne from 1957-1961. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Industrial Enterprises Incorporated from 1966-1970.
Austin A. Scales was active in the Charlottetown Rotary Club since 1944, and has continued to be active in many organizations in the Charlottetown area.
The University of Prince Edward Island honored Mr. Scales with a “Doctor of Laws Degree” at Convocation exercises at the University, 14 May 1972 and he ws inducted into the P.E.I. agricultural Hall of Fame in Oct. 1985.
He was b. 4 Jan. 1886 at St. Eleanors, the son of Henry and Gulielma (LeFurgey) Scales. He m. Lillian Helen Dobson of Summerside 19 July 1928. She was b. 25 Dec. 1903 the daughter of John and Eliza Ann (Bowness) Dobson. They reside in Charlottetown.
They had six ch. all b. in Freetown.
2a Lillian Joan b. 21 Oct. 1929. She attended school in Freetown and then trained in Prince County Hospital and became a Registered Nurse. She m. Raymond M. Stunden, an R.C.M.P. officer the 8 Nov. 1954 at Dorval, Que. He was b. 3 June 1928. They have five ch. 1. Michael b. 19 Aug. 1955 in Charlottetown. 2. Catherine b. 16 July 1956 in Charlottetown. 3. Peter b. 30 Sept. 1957 in Charlottetown. 4. Paula b. 10 June 1961 at Radisson, Sask. 5. Eleanor b. 7 May 1966 at Saskatoon, Sask.
2b David Austin b. 27 Feb. 1931. He attended school in Freetown. He then got his degree in Agriculture from the Ontario Agriculture College in Guelph, Ont. David’s main interest is in the Island Fertilizer Inc., where he directs the operations. He has other hobbies and has been a successful swine breeder. He m. Doris Hillion of Charlottetown, 12 Oct. 1956. She was b. 8 Apr. 1933 in Charlottetown. They have five ch. 1. John b. 11 July 1957 in Charlottetown. He m. Barbara Webster of Charlottetown in Oct. 1980. They have a son Stephen b. 1 Sept. 1982. John attended Truro Agriculture College and then took a degree in Business Administration at The University of Prince Edward Island. He was the skip of the RE]. Champion Junior Men’s Curling team in 1985, which were runners-up at the Canadian Championships. 2. Susan b. 10 Aug. 1962. 3. Julie b. 1 Sept. 1964. 4. Kent b. 16 May 1966 and 5. Brian b. ‘10 Sept. 1971.
2c John Henry b. 6 Sept. 1933. He attended school at Freetown. In 1950 he became associated with his father in the Scales Hydro Electric Co. and began to manage the plant. In 1963, when Canelco Services Ltd. bought out the Scales Hydro Electric, Henry was retained as General Manager and continued