its operation until it was sold to Maritime Electric in 1965. Shortly after, he and his family moved to East. Henry m. Alberta MacAusland 26 Oct. 1957 at Bloomfield . She was b. 30 July 1938. Alberta later became a Registered Nurse . They had five children all born in Freetown . 1. Linda b. 24 July 1958. 2. Austin II , b. 6 Jan. 1960. 3. Richard Henry b. 26 Sept. 1961, he d. 27 Sept. 1961, 4. Heather b. 13 Nov. 1962 and 5. Philip b. 30 Jan. 1965. Henry and family live in Charlottetown where he is an active partner in The Island Fertilizers Inc. 2d Alan Kent b. 16 Oct. 1934. He attended school in Freetown . He then got a degree in Business Administration from MacMaster University, following this he continued studying to get a degree in Law at Dalhousie University in Halifax, N.S. He is a Queen's Council with the Law Firm, Scales, Ghiz, Jenkins and McQuaid in Charlottetown . He m. Patricia Shaw 6 July 1963, in Charlottetown . She was b. 4 June 1940 in Charlottetown . They have three ch. all b. in Charlottetown . 1. Geoffrey b. 5 July 1965, 2. Gary b. 4 Oct. 1966, 3. Carolyn b. 13 Apr. 1971. 2e Brian Dobson b. 25 June 1938. He d. 6 Sept. 1962. 2f Nora Eleanor b. 7 Mar. 1943. She m. Heinz Klein of Czechoslovakia, in Charlottetown 7 Aug. 1972. Nora attended school in Freetown . She took courses in advanced education and taught science at a school in . Heinz is now a Professor of Computer Science in New State . He also taught at MacMaster University when they lived in Dundas , Ont. Nora has travelled extensively. They have two children b. in Dundas , Ont. 1. Charlotte b. 4 July 1979. 2. Thomas Karl b. 11 Dec. 1980. Submitted by Henry Scales WILLIAM SCHURMAN After the American Revolution ended in 1783 many United Empire Loyalists were forced to leave the United States; some barely escaping with their lives. One such Loyalist was William Schurman from New Rochelle, N.Y. After escaping from prison he took his wife, Elizabeth, children and two faithful slaves to Nova Scotia and then to Prince Edward Island . It is reported that when escaping they were chased by United States rebel soldiers and one night hid in a cave. At dawn, the soldiers searching for them saw a spider's web and thought the cave empty and went away. From then on Mrs. Elizabeth Schurman would never allow any of her family to kill a spider. We could claim that the history of William Schurman , our progenitor, hung on a gossamer thread. In 1768 William m. 1. Jane Bonnet . From this union were four children. 1. Peter, 2. Mary, 3. Isaac and 4. Jacob. Jane d. when Jacob was b. in 1777. In 1778 William m. 2. Elizabeth Hyatt (1753-1843). They had seven children 5. Benjamin, 6. Caleb, 7. Jane, 8. Sarah, 9. William, 10. Elizabeth and 11. John. The last five were b. on P.E.I. From these parents and eleven children, present day descendants number over fifteen thousand. William is described as a man of ability and intelligence with the courage, versatility and sound judgment demanded of a successful man of his time. He settled in Central Bedeque where he opened the first general store. He was very aggressive and his career also included farmer, ship-builder, ship-owner, cooper, sawyer, lumberman and miller. He served as a member of the P.E.I. Legislative Assembly and overseer of roads. He is credited with laying out the Bedeque to through Kinkora . For many years he was a Magistrate for and served as Justice of the Peace. At the height of his farming, he owned 6500 acres of land in the northern half of Lot 25 through North Bedeque , Wilmot, Kelvin and Norboro . The original manuscript on which the deed for the 6500 acres of land is written is now in possession of his descendant Howard Spurr Schurman of Central Bedeque . Details follow for those Schurman's who had connections or lived in Freetown . + 2a Peter (1769-1868) m. Mary Bremble on 22 Sept. 1796. They had eleven children 1. William, 2. Jane, 3. Benjamin, 4. Elizabeth, 5. Sarah Bremble , 6. David, 7. Mary, 8. Peter, 9. William, 10. William and 11. Lucy Ann. Mary did not marry and d. in 1891 in Lower Freetown at the home of her nephew Big Peter Schurman . 2b Mary (1771-1860) m. Thomas Tompkins . She was the only child of William to remain in New Rochelle, N.Y. , and never again saw her father or family. They had six children. 1. Daniel Bonnet , 2. Jane, 3. Elias, 4. David, 5. Sarah and 6. Samuel and two adopted children. + 2c Isaac (1774-1859) on 4 Aug. 1801 m. 1. Mary Baker (1779-1808). They had five children. 1. Alice, 2. Mary, 3. John Baker , 4. William, 5. Issac . On 4 May 1912 he m. 2. Jane Lefurgey (1749-1872). They 414