had nine children. 1. Jane, 2. Ann Maria, 3. Elizabeth, 4. Solomon Desbrisay, 5. Ralph Thompson, 6. Caleb, 7. Helen, 8. Joseph Silliker, 9. Peter.

2d Jacob (1777-1850) on 14 Mar. 1804 m. Penelope McKendrick (1786-1865). They had five children. 1.

Elizabeth, 2. Rachel, 3. Jane Silliker, 4. Sarah Baker and 5. Donald.

2e Benjamin (1780-1799). Was lost at sea with his father’s schooner the “Mary”.


Caleb (1782-1855) m. Mary Lefurgey (1790-1872) on 18 Jan. 1810. They farmed and lived at Wilmot Valley and Freetown. They had twelve children. 1. William, 2. John, 3. Sophia, 4. Sophia, 5. Elijah, 6. Peter, 7. Robert, 8. Mary Jane, 9. Alfred Compton, 10. Isaac, 11. Jacob, 12. Abraham.

2g Jane (1785-1824) on 17 Nov. 1801 m. Joseph Silliker. They had no children. 2h Sarah (1788-1866) on 10 July 1806 m. Jesse Baker (1786-1865). They had thirteen children: 1. William


2. John, 3. Elizabeth, 4. Hannah, 5. Hester, 6. William, 7. Adah, 8. Lewis, 9. Mary Jane, 10. Montague, 11. Penelope, 12. Mary Ann and 13. Richard. Sarah Schurman Baker’s daughter, Penelope Baker (1830-1914), m. William Taylor (1821-1907) of Lower Freetown where they farmed. In 1972 the farm

(code 46) was owned by grandson Basil Taylor and 1985 by Grant MacDonald. There were ten children all born in Freetown. (See Taylor history.)

William (1793-1855) m. Mary Maxfield on 18 Feb. 1819. They had ten children: 1. Barbara, 2. Elizabeth, 3. Ann, 4. Elijah, 5. Sarah, 6. Caleb, 7. Mary, 8. William, 9. Martha and 10. Benjamin.

William known as Squire William purchased 4208 acres of Loyalists land in Kelvin and Norboro from William Clark. He sold 2000 acres in Kelvin including the Mill Valley site to his brother-in-law John Maxfield.

Elizabeth (1794-1829) m. in 1812 Ralph Thompson (1790-1868). There were four children. 1. Barbara, a second child died young, 3. William and 4. Elizabeth.

2k John (1796—1864) in 22 Jan. 1818 Phoebe McMonagle Hewson (1797—1828). John adopted Phoebe’s

son, William, and they had five children born to them. 1. James, 2. Olivia, 3. Jerusha, 4. Mary Jane and 5. Phoebe. On 1 Feb. 1829, John m. Mary Oxley Black (1804-1877). They had seven children. 1.

John, 2. Matilda, 3. Sarah, 4. Alexander, 5. Amos, 6. Cuthbert and 7. Samuel. John moved from Wilmot Valley to River Phillip, N.S. in 1824.

+23 Peter Schurman

Peter’s son, William (1813-1879) (the third William in the family, as the first two boys called William

had died) m. on 21 Feb. 1839 Sophia Schurman (the second Sophia as the first Sophia had died) daughter of Caleb and Mary. They lived in Central Bedeque. Along with their three children they brought up Susannah

Mugridge (1855-1935). She took the name of Schurman and faithfully cared for her adopted parents and their children until their deaths. She came to Freetown and kept house for Davis Schurman when he became a widower. After Davis’ death, his son Everett and wife Marguerite looked after her and she died there in 1935.

4a 3d2a Sarah Jane Strang (1828-1918). On 25 Jan. 1852 m. Thomas Reeves, son of Simon and Sarah

(Taylor) Reeves. They lived in Lower Freetown on the farm (code 53) where Robert P. Burns now lives (1985). There were seven children. (See Reeves history.)

4b 3j2a Peter (Big Peter) (1842-1906). On 9 Apr. 1869 m. his first cousin, Sarah Ann Wright, dau. of John

and Jane (Schurman) Wright. In 1882, Peter sold his Centerville Bedeque property and moved to Lower Freetown to the property now owned by Mrs. Fenton Simmons (code 121). In 1892 they moved to Summerside. Peter was a man of many interests including tanner, farmer, blacksmith, inventor and artist. There were three children born in Bedeque: 1. Jane, 2. Anna, 3. Mary.

+2c Isaac Schurman

Isaac Schurman settled in Central Bedeque on the farm that was owned by John and Montague Gardiner.

In 1840 he purchased 213 acres in Lower Freetown (codes 5 and 6) on which to settle his sons. Three of Isaac’s sons, Ralph, Caleb and Peter, married relatives and settled in Freetown.


2c Ralph (1821-1891). On 5 Nov. 1846 m. Jerusha Schurman (1822-1875). In 1848 he bought a 118 acres lot (code 5) from his father in Lower Freetown and later an adjoining 22 acres on the northwest. At present Prowse and Camden Gardiner live on this farm. There were four children all b. in Lower Freetown. l. Phoebe Jane, 2. Mary Olivia, 3. Joseph Colin and 4. Caleb Edgar.