2c Caleb (1823—1893). On Nov. 1848 In. Sarah Bremble (Schurman) Wright. In 1848 Caleb bought the 140 acre lot (code 6) from his father in Lower Freetown. This farm is now owned by Lloyd Reeves. In the 1880 Meacham’s Atlas there is an engraving of this farm titled “Elm Wood Farmf’ There were three children from this marriage all b. in Lower Freetown. 1. Elizabeth Ann, 2. Mary Malvina and
3. William Gordon.
2c Peter (1829-1869). On 3 Oct. 1849 m. Phoebe Schurman. In 1859 Peter bought one hundred acres of land in Lower Freetown (code 64). In 1861 he and his brother Solomon bought a mill and mill site near Peter’s home. Harvie’s Prince Edward Island Almanac for 1868 and 1869 shows Peter as a
postmaster in Lower Freetown. This farm is now owned by Jesse C. Burns. There were five children. 1. Joseph Willard, 2. Helen Elizabeth, 3. Isaac, 4. Frances Augusta, 5. Jerusha Edith.
3 j2c Joseph Colin (1854-1939). On 28 Oct. 1879 m. Federica Elizabeth beard (1855-1924). Colin farmed his father Ralph’s property in Lower Freetown (code 5). He built a house close to his father and it is in this house Prowse and Camden Gardiner live in 1985. When farming flourished on the Island, Colin was a director in both the Premier Silver Black Fox Co. and the Wilmot Silver Black Fox Co. There were three children all b. in Lower Freetown. 1. Ira, 3. Jerusha and 3. Ralph.
3k2c William Gordon (1858-1930) m. 3 Mar. 1887 Ada Baker Schurman (1859-1955) dau. of Robert and Lydia. Gordon inherited his father Caleb’s Lower Freetown “Elm Wood Farm” (code 6) owned by Lloyd Reeves in 1985 . In 1912 the farm was sold to the Bernards and the family moved to Central Bedeque. The two children were b. in Lower Freetown. 1. Robert L. and 2. Frances Martha.
4c3f2c Albert Theodore Craig son of John and Jane Schurman (Wright) Craig. b. 26 Feb. 1870 in Middleton d. 1955 in Vancouver, m. 17 Feb. 1896 Jennie Taylor (1876-1959) daughter of Caleb and Elizabeth Taylor. (See Craig history.)
4h3i2c Jennie Schurman daughter of Albert C. and Phoebe (Sproule) Schurman b. 10 Oct. 1892 in Central Bedeque where on 23 June 1915 she m. John William Lewis (1889-1956) of Freetown. There were three children. 1. George Howard, 2. Helen Schurman and 3. John Ronald. (See Lewis history.)
4c3j2c Ira Avard son of Colin and Federica (Leard) Schurman b. 8 Aug. 1880 in Lower Freetown d. 23 Jan. 1969 in Vermilion, Alberta. He m. 4 Apr. 1905 in Montreal, Lily Jane Corbett (1876-1968). Ira left Freetown for Western Canada when he was a young man. There were three children: 1. Ernest,
2. Ralph and 3. George.
4c3j2c Jerusha Leonora “Rusie” daughter of Colin and Federica (Leard) Schurman d. 12 May 1967 in Wilmot Valley. She m. 14 June 1911, James Harry Waugh (1883-193 8). They lived in Wilmot Valley where their grandson Brian now lives. There were five children. 1. Elmer, 2. Colin Boulter, 3. Winnifred
Elisabeth (Beth), 4. James Harry and 5. Myrtle Eileen.
4c3j2c: Ralph son of Colin and Federica (Leard) Schurman b. 25 Oct. 1892 d. 31 Mar. 1913 in Lower Freetown. He lived all his short life on the home farm.
4c3k20 Robert Layton son of Gordon and Ada B. Schurman b. 4 Apr. 1889 in Lower Freetown d. 15 May 1964 in Halifax; m. 7 July 1911 Ella A. Costain (1884-1946) daughter of Thomas and Emeline Costain of O’Leary. Robert’s career included farming, plumbing and steel working. In Halifax, he worked with The International Correspondence Schools and then formed his own real estate company,
Halifax Realties Ltd. There were two children: George Gordon and Dorothy Ada.
4c3k2c Frances Martha Wright b. 24 Oct. 1898 in Lower Freetown dau. of Gordon and Ada B. Schurman. She d. 27 Sept. 1982. She was In. in Summerside 12 Aug. 1924 to William A. Steeves b. 1901 and d. 31 Aug. 1982 son of Albert and Annie Steeves of Dorchester, N.B. Frances attended Prince of Wales College and graduated from Acadia University BA. in 1912. She taught in Montreal after graduation until her marriage. There was one daughter Frances Elizabeth b. 31 Oct. 1927 in Montreal.
3m2c Isaac Newton son of Joseph Silliker Schurman and Caroline Martha (Ellis) b. 1859 and d. 1927. m. Clara Elizabeth Good daughter of Charles and Caroline Good of Jacksonville, N.B. Isaac first farmed in Lower Freetown but moved to Summerside when he married. The four children were all b. in Summerside.