for Malpeque. The ship landed on a bar and was broken up. All were saved. Parts of their broken ship were used to build shacks and they also saved some of their supplies They had brought saws with them to cut the logs. The Indians helped them to catch fish and in winter they cut through the ice to dig clams. They walked miles to Sea Cow Pond to get meat offthe Sea Cow and that is how Sea Cow Pond derived its name.

James Smith was the one who emigrated from Gymgree and m. Mary Carr. They had a family of seven girls and four boys. They resided in Freeland, Lot 11.

Their oldest son Donald (1805-1857) m. Jane Sullivan (1800-1889) and they had four sons and seven daughters. One son Hugh (1827‘1878) m. Jemima MacArthur (1836-1927), and they had four sons and two daughters.

Their oldest son James Warburton b. Nov. 1861 m. Alice Maude Mary Garland b. 1871 from N.B. on 6 July 1892. They lived for a time after their marriage at East Bideford where their six children were born. They moved to Freetown where they purchased a farm ca. 1916 from Mrs. Janet Cairns consisting of 150 acres (code 74). They operated this farm until March 1922 when they sold it to Austin A. Scales. This was the first land purchased by Mr. Scales in Freetown. Mr. Smith always claimed that he moved to Freetown because of the lack of work in Freeland and his energetic wife. The Smiths attended the Presbyterian Church until 1925, when they went to the United Church. They both resided in Freetown until their death. He (1. 7 Sept. 1941 and Alice d. 6 July 1955 and are buried in Freetown People’s Cem. Their children are listed below.

2a Cora b. 8 June 1892. She m. William Harrison ofN.B., 16 Dec. 1925 and moved to Somerville, Mass. They had three ch: 1. Shirley m. Rev. Warren Russell Jr. 2. Morris m. Norma Crocker and had three ch: Allan, Donna and Nancy. 3. Donna m. Thomas Lynch and had two ch: Marie and Jennifer.

+2b Clayton Stephen b. 18 July 1896; d. 1 Aug. 1975. He m. 1. Orrie Ezella Day 30 May 1923. She was b. 16 Apr. 1902. Orrie d. 16 Aug. 1958. Clayton m. 2. Marion Carter, who resides in Freetown in 1985.

2c Annie b. 25 June 1898. She m. Dan Smallman, O’Leary, 15 June 1921. They had two sons. Brenton and Foster. Brenton m. 1. Verna Harris. They have one son Wendell, who In. Lois Brown and have ch: Joan and Jennifer. Brenton m. 2. Mrs. Alberta Clements and have a step son, Billy, and two daus., Kimberley and Trista. Foster m. Orell Smallman. They have Avard and Corinda. Avard m. Rhonda Carruthers. They have ch: Kelley, Derek and Christopher. Corinda m. Kevin Stewart and resides in

Bathurst, NB. They have one son, Jason.

2d Kenneth b. 2 Nov. 1902. He m. Theresa Comes in the United States 28 Aug. 1928. They had two children: 1. Florence m. 1. Philip Seymour. They had Erek, Cyril, Julie and Cecily. Florence m. 2. Louis Curdo Jr. 2. Helen m. Fred Boyle. They have two boys and two girls. Kenneth returned to Freetown and resided here for several years. He worked with R.R. Burns General Merchant for a few years. He (1. in Freetown

1 Jan. 1938.

2e Lois b. 27 Jan. 1905. She m. Hermand Berthold in the United States. They had six ch: 1. Clara m. 1. William Savage. She m. 2. Everett Tasher and had one dau. Lois Ellen, Hi. Paul Barker. They have two boys, Douglas and Tommy. 2. Lois d. when a young girl. 3. George m. Elizabeth Hewitt and had- one dau. Candace who m. Richard Wilson. 4. Barbara m. Frank Boscia and had one son, Richard, and one dau. Catherine. Richard m. Lynn Mullin and have one child, Kristen Lynn. Catherine m. Harold Camp. They have three ch: Nathan, Sharla and Aaron. 5. Helen m. William Cardoza and have four ch: Susan, Deborah, Stephen and David. 6. Marjorie m. Manuel Silvia and they have two


2f Helen b. 26 July 1908. She m. Donald Kaye of New Brunswick 25 July 1931 and now resides in the United States. They had two daughters: 1. Louise m. Eddie Carr, they had three adopted children, Lee, Kevin and Shawn. Lee m. Mark Angeli. They had two girls, Jennifer and Kelly. Kevin m. Sharon Bernheisal and have one child. Shawn, n.m. 2. Lynn m. Dennis Haggerty and lives in Indiana. They

have no children. Helen d. of cancer 2 Feb. 1984.

+2b Clayton Stephen Smith Clayton was a farmer in Freetown for the greater part of his life. He went to work with James Cairns

who owned 259 acres on the North Freetown Road (code 21). Clayton and Orrie took the farm over ca. 1926 when Mr. Cairns moved to Summerside. They carried on a mixed farming operation leaning towards potato

growing in later years. Clayton was active in his community and was a school trustee for many years. They attended the United Church. They had six children.