3d 2b Erma b. 8 Jan. 1931. She m. Denton Hogg b. 26 Jan. 1927. They farmed in Hamilton, P.E.I , until 1979. Erma is employed with the Department of Social Services. They have three children: 1. Gregory b. 1 July 1956; m. Diane Cobb, 2 July 1977. They have: Jennifer b. 27 Dec. 1978 and Jeffrey b. 23 Aug. 1980. 2. Rodney b. 19 Sept. 1958; m. Donna Bryenton b. 2 Dec. 1958. They have Melissa b. 9 Dec. 1980 and Stacy Lee b. 20 Aug. 1983. 3. Cathy b. 18 June 1959, m. 1. Michael Clair . They have Brian b. 9 Feb. 1979. m. 2. Gordon Woodard and they have Natalie b. 9 Apr. 1981 and Krista b. 5 Sept. 1982. 3e 2b Marjorie b. 23 June 1934 m. James Inglis 13 Apr. 1933. They live in Kensington where James is an appliance repair man. They have two ch. 1. James b. 24 Aug. 1956 m. Susan Marin b. 9 July 1956 and they now reside in Calgary. 2. Evelyn b. 12 Sept. 1962. 3f 2b Gordon b. 29 Mar. 1936. Hem . Miss Jewell and they have two ch. 1. Joanne m. Dennis Edlington . 2. Gale m. Marc Crejel . Submitted by Carol Bernard GEORGE L. SMITH George Lawrence Smith is a photogrammetric technologist and is employed at the Council of Maritime Premiers, Photogrammetric Division at the Waterfront Mall, Summerside . He purchased the house and lot on code 49 that had been owned by Don L. Horn in Lower Freetown and is still residing there in 1985. He was b. in Bridgewater, N.S. on 9 Mar. 1949 the son of Earl F . and Hedridge Smith and is n.m. JOHN SMITH . John Smith , Newton, moved to Freetown Village around 1900 where he operated a wheelwright shop. He stayed in Freetown for almost six years. He moved to Carleton where he lived for a few years on a small farm, then he moved to North Carleton and operated a farm. John Smith was b. 7 Sept. 1867 in Newton. He m. Rosella, a sister of James Murphy , Emerald . They raised at least seven ch: 1. Celestine b. 14 Nov. 1904. He m. Rose Cormier (another source says. Rose McCormick ). He d. 9 Aug. 1970 in Summerside . 2. Ada m. Mr. Boucher . She is deceased. 3. Linus m. Mary _____. He lives in Charlottetown . 4. James m. Florence Morris (deceased). He lived in Kentville, N.S. 6. John Joseph m. 1. Mary Susan Hackett . m. 2. Jacqueline Guay . He lived in Ottawa, later in . 6. Ernest went to Western Canada and never returned. 7. Frances m. John Peter White , Emerald 4 Feb. 1942. She d. 1 Oct. 1942. John Peter d. 15 Dec. 1945. Above order may not correspond with date of birth. LEO SMITH Leo Smith resides on the Old in Lower Freetown (code 128a). He built a new home in the field just north and west of the Dunk River which he purchased from his father Lome Smith in 1980. After attending school, he started to work with Callbeck's Ltd . at Central Bedeque in 1966 where he continued until 1974. In 1975 he took over the Imperial Oil bulk station at Summerside and carried on that business until 1980. He began to work with Agriculture Canada in 1981, where he continues to the present time. Leo is actively engaged in sports and is a qualified hockey referee. Leo was b. in Central Bedeque 3. Apr. 1945, the son of Lome and Mable (Handrahan) Smith. He m. Marilyn Noonan, the dau. of Russell and Ruth (McKenna) Noonan of Albany. She was b. 24 Oct. 1945 at Albany They were m. in 1967 at Roman Catholic Church, Seven Mile Bay . They have four children: 1. Kellie b. 30 Mar. 1968, 2. Leah b. 25 Apr. 1969, 3. Jason b. 11 Dec. 1972 and 6. Matthew b. 25 Jan. 1974. Leah took top honors for her Remembrance Day Poem "He Stands Alone" in the Dominion Remembrance Day Competition in Ottawa. She won the Regional competition sponsored by the Borden Legion prior to entering in the Dominion competition. She received a cheque for $200.00 for her efforts. Submitted by Leo Smith 428