+ 2d Walter Stavert u„ ^ake\ltaVtn b- 26 Aug- 1823 m- Henrietta Jardine 5 Mar. 1857. She was b. 15 Aug. 1829 at Head of Hillsboro . She moved to Freetown with her parents at the age of 20 years to reside (code 15). Walter and Henrietta had eight ch. all born in , surname Stavert. 33 2«aJ0ameS b- ' JT11858' emi§rated t0 Kern Co- California in 1876. He m. Sarah Jane Elliot 22 Feb 1898, a native of Shelleyville, 111. They resided at Kernville, Cal. He died there 8 Oct. 1908 Thev had two children: Eunice and James. 3b 2d Margaret Jane b. 7 Jan. 1860. She m. Thomas J. Humphrey in Jan. ca. 1881. He was b. in . In 1902 they moved to Wilmot Valley . They had four children. 1. Jessie Isobel m. Frank Curtis 2. Etta May m. Harry Simmons . 3. Lois Hope d. at 19 years and 4. Ida Cotton d. young. 3c 2d Thomas William b. 19 July 1862. He m. Mary Walker and they moved to California . They resided at , Los Angeles, Northern California and . He d. in California . They had four 3d 2d John Robert b. 6 July 1864. He m. 1. Jean (Janie) MacNeill in Jan. 1900. She d 1901 2 He m Margaret Elizabeth Stewart , , 23 Feb. 1904. They farmed at where he d' 19 Dec. 1938. They had two daughters: 1. Etta who m. 1. Ira Huestis . They had two sons and one daughter, Layton, Stavert and Marion. Ira d. in 1951. Etta m. 2. George Mayhew , Margate . 2 Elva m. Ralph Moase . They have one son, Kenneth. + 3e 2d Walter Mabon b. 1 Oct. 1867. He m. 1. Gertrude Paynter (who was a dau. of William and Jane (Caseley) Paynter, Burlington ) in Oct. 1889. They resided in Lower Freetown and had two children ^rrenC,n. F S b' 1891 and Jardine b" 189 Z Mabon m- 2- Jessie MacCaull (1875-1949). Mabon d. 7 Nov. 1941. 3f 2dMaryIsobellab. 16 Jan. 1869. She m. Robert Bowness , a farmer of Norboro in Dec 1900 He was b. 10 June 1861. She d. in Sept. 1955. They had two children Walter and James. Walter m. Mabel Ramsay and had one son Robert who lives in Kensington . 3g 2d George Henry b. 2 Aug. 1874. He m. Barbara Stewart , Norboro , in Oct. 1910. Prior to marriage George had resided in California . After their marriage they farmed at Lower Freetown and later resided m Kensington . He d. in Summerside in 1937 without issue. 3h 2d Henrietta b. 2 Oct. 1874. She m. James Jardine , her cousin. (See Jardine history.) +3e2d Mabon Stavert In 1890 Mabon Stavert purchased 140 acres in Lower Freetown (code 122) situated on the Old , from Isaac N. Schurman for $2699.00. Henry Jardine had bought this farm from Jesse Baker in 1878 In 1863, this farm was owned by Charles C. Maxfield who was married to Sibella Cairns, a sister of John Cairns and they sold out in 1876 and moved to Western Canada . When Mabon came to this farm in 1890, his possessions were limited, he had a team of horses, a single furrow plow and a set of spike harrows. By 1904, when the California Gold Fever was at its height, and he was lured to the sunny South, his farm was well stocked with horses, cattle, sheep and hogs and all the necessary implements required to carry out a successful farm operation. Mabon rented his farm to Calvin Reeves called an auction sale for 30 Sept. 1904, with Artemas Farrow as Auctioneer, and sold all his movables. Then he and his family departed for California . As so often happens, the bubble burst and Mr. Stavert was foreman for a large cattle ranch in California for a number of years. In 1914 he, accompanied by his son Jardine then 21, returned to his farm in Lower Freetown . He brought with him his riding saddle, spurs and bridle. Mabon's grandson, Walter P. proudly possesses these souvenirs to this day. A story has it that Mabon feared that he had no room to bring his saddle, but found that by putting his clothes inside the saddle and cinching up the girth he had more room than without the saddle, so it came too. They also brought back a repeating revolver. Mabon and Jardine built a new house in 1915! Jardine m. Ina Campbell , Freetown , in 1915 and stayed on the farm until he passed away 17 Jan. 1962 He left his farm to his son Walter P. and his family. Walter P. has purchased other nearby parcels of land in recent years. Mabon and Gertrude had two ch. 4a 3e2d Florence "Floss". She was b. 1891. She went to California with her parents where she m. Charles Hand . They had one daughter who m. Mr. Hamilton . +4b 3e2d Jardine b. 8 Aug. 1892. He m. Ina Campell in 6 Oct. 1915. She was b 20 Apr 1892 He d. 12 Jan. 1962. She d. 11 Dec. 1964. They had two children. 430