the lumber and contracting business. They had one dau. Cassie In. Mr. Bettle of Vancouver. Bruce d. 10 Oct. 1936 and Fanny predeceased him in 1922.

4b 3 g2b Robert “Allen” m. Catherine Esther Walker, known as Elsie. They moved to Western Canada. They had no children.

+4c 3g2b Joseph A. “Joe” m. Margaret Walker, a sister of Elsie. They had two sons. 4d 3ga Sarah (Sadie) m. Bertram Clark. Last report from her, they were living in Winnipeg.

4e 3ga Jennie b. 16 Aug. 1876. She m. Albert (Bert) Craig. He operated a store in Freetown, later taken over by his nephew Albert Craig. Bert left Freetown, moved to Emerald and operated a store there, before moving to Vancouver in 1906. They had four children.

+4c3g2b Joseph A. Taylor

Joseph took over the homestead farm from his father Caleb, and remained here until 1914. They moved to Summerside, and became engaged in the fox business. From there they moved to Yarmouth, N.S. They had two sons, 1. Willard, a dentist in Yarmouth and 2. Caleb, who is in business in New York City.

BENJAMIN THOMSON Benjamin Thomson came to Lower Freetown in the 18505 and settled on land at code 49. He came to Freetown from the Malpeque-Darnley area, and according to the 1861 census farmed 133 acres. Benjamin

and his wife, Grace Tucker had at least seven children, some of whom were born at Lower Freetown. Benjamin and Grace remained at Lower Freetown until the late 18605 or early 18705. They had both (1. before 1906.

Their children, as far as can be determined, are as follows: 2a John Keir b. ca. 1854 was living at North Bedeque in 1906. 2b Margaret Jane b. ca. 1856 m. Hicks Seegrin and they were living at Wentrop, Mass. in 1906. 2c Peter Gordon b. ca. 1858 was living at Wahpeton, North Dakota in 1906. 2d William Wood b. ca. 1859 was living at Germantown, Penn. in 1906. Ze Liella b. ca. 1860 m. to Mr. Armstrong and was living at Worcester, Mass. in 1906. 2f Jarvis b. ca. 1861 was living at Normal, 111. in 1906. 2g Emma Ann b. ca. 1862. m. to William B. Holmes, and they were living at Winchendon, Mass. in 1906.


John Thomson was probably a cousin of Benjamin Thomson, and came to Lower Freetown during the 18505. They were probably both descendants of George Thomson, who purchased 520 acres of land from David Murray (codes 46-50) in 1805, and John and Jane Thomson who sold 150 acres of land (code 49)

at Lower Freetown in 1821.

John Thomson, and his wife Emily farmed on 175 acres of land located at code 64, 65 and 66. They remained at Freetown until the mid 18705, when they sold their land to Samuel Clow. They had at least three children born in Lower Freetown as follows:

2a David Benjamin b. 21 Mar. 1866. 2b William Anderson b. 4 Jan. 1870. 2c John Herbert b. 25 Apr. 1872.


Gary Toole resides on the North Freetown Road (code 18). The house was latterly occupied by Trueman Paynter, and is located at the beginning of the stream that flows into the Wilmot River. Gary carries on a feeder operation. He purchases cattle, and feeds them until they are ready for market. In addition, he is the hardware manager for Callbeck’s Ltd. at Central Bedeque. Judy has been an employee for Island Tel. a5 a service representative. They attend Freetown United Church.

Gary was b. 8 Dec. 1948 in Calhoun, NB. the son of Frederick Toole b. 16 Apr. 1927 and Frances (Wallace) Toole b. 15 Nov. 1929. Frederick Toole d. 1 Sept. 1950. On 2 June 1953 Frances m. Elmer Fall, Crapaud. Gary m. Judy Reeves, dau. of the late Cecil Reeves and Mae (Humphrey) Lord, Reeves, now Haslam, 9 Aug.

1969. Judy (a twin) was b. 28 July 1950.