Gary and Judy (Reeves) Toole have two ch. 2a Kendall Frederick b. 18 Apr. 1973. 2b Angela Sharon b. 8 May 1976. They both attend school in Summerside . RICHARD TOOMBS In the 1881 Atlas, sixty acres of land and buildings in 1985 owned by Edwin Hammill , were in possession of Richard Toombs (code 113). In an earlier drawing made in 1875, Toombs is shown as owning 100 acres of land. Fifty two and a half acres of this land was conveyed to James Beals by Sheriff Peter MacNutt on 24 Oct. 1874. When Richard Toombs left Freetown, he sold his land to Thomas Drummond . Thomas Drummond owned it for a few years, and then sold it to Robert Reeves who sold it to Hillard Moase . After a few years, Hillard Moase sold it to Edwin Hammill who still resides there. The land is farmed by Garth Toombs of Bedeque . Richard Toombs was a sadler from Covehead . He m. Sarah Matthews 25 Dec. 1868. Richard's parents were Henry and Mary (Sellar) Toombs, who came to P.E.I , in 1819 and located in Cavendish on land that was owned by Rev. John Geddie . It was noted that Henry built a log house there. The Toombs were affiliated with the Methodist Church in Covehead and Freetown . Richard d. 25 Jan. 1900. In the 1881 census they are listed as having three girls and three boys. JOHN TUCKER John Tucker was born ca. 1785 at Devonshire , England . He emigrated to P.E.I , before 1821 and probably first settled in Bedeque . John and his wife, Margaret purchased 50 acres of land in Lower Freetown on the north side of the on July 6,1821. (The southern portions of code 46,47 and 49.) They farmed at Lower Freetown , until John's death on 17 Apr. 1851 at Lower Freetown . They were active in their church where John served as elder of the Presbyterian Church at Bedeque . They had at least seven ch: (not in order of birth). + 2a William W. b. ca. 1811 in England . 2b Grace m. Benjamin Thomson from Princetown . (See Thomson history.) 2c ( ? ) female b. ca. 1815 and d. Apr. 1824 after getting lost in the woods at Lower Freetown . 2d Mary, living in 1858; n.f.r. 2e George, living at Freetown in Nov. 1865. 2f ( ? ) recorded in 1841 Census. 2g John adopted before 1847. + 2a William W. Tucker William Tucker was b. in England and probably grew up in Lower Freetown . He m. on Jan. 16, 1859, Mrs. Margaret (Jardine) Burns, widow of James Burns of Freetown . Margaret was a dau. of John Jardine (see Jardine history). They had three children: 3a 2a John L . b. ca. 1859, m. Christina Munroe (1850-1937). They lived at Ross' and Summerside . He was a caretaker of the People's Cemetery in Summerside . John d. 9 June 1941 at Ross' Corner . They had four sons: 1. George L.D . 2. Norman. 3. Percy Norman . 4. Sterling A. Mrs. Henry Reeves , formerly of Lower Freetown , was a daughter of Percy Tucker . Sterling Tucker lived with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reeves at Lower Freetown for a number of years. Sterling m. Gretha Yeo , Lot 16 , in 1930. She d. 1952. He d. 1965. 3b 2a William, lived in U.S.A . in 1905 and in 1909. 3c 2a Margaret A., lived in New York in 1909. ANDY VALADKA Andy Valadka came to Freetown from Charlottetown in 1976. They lived in the former John W. Lewis house (code 66). Andy was a teacher in schools in Summerside , and resided in Freetown about two years. Andy and wife, Theresa Helen , had two children: 1. Aldona Marie b. 29 Sept. 1972. 2. Alakso Joan b. 1 Aug. 1974. 446