2f Stephen b. 2 Mar. 1831. He m. Matilda Ann Maxfield (1839—1898). They moved to Fortune Cove and farmed. They had eight ch. Stephen d. 20 May 1903. Stephen was a blacksmith and a farmer in Lower
Freetown on his father’s farm, but later farmed in Fortune Cove.
2g Jane b. 13 July 1833. She m. Isaac Wall, Freetown, 13 Nov. 1855, he was the youngest son of Redmond Wall. Isaac was b. in 1830. In the 18605 they moved to NE. in 1871 to Truro, NS. and in 1881 to Pictou Landing, N.S. They had nine ch. (See Wall history.)
2h Almira Corinda b. 17 July 1835. She m. Samuel Ebenezer Lidstone (1836-1915) of Freetown, they moved to Cape Wolfe. They had eleven ch. Almira d. 26 Feb. 1889.
2i James Alvin b. 15 Jan. 1841. He m. Elizabeth Bronson Kinley and had two ch. James was drowned crossing the harbor at Cape Wolfe 1 May 1871. He was the youngest child.
The remaining eight ch. b. to Jacob and Susannah (Townsend) Van Buskirk in New Glasgow did not reside in Freetown.
RAYMOND VERMETTE Raymond Vermette moved to Freetown in 1978. He lives in the home that was formerly occupied by John L. Murphy. Raymond has worked as a chimney cleaner and is now employed with C.N. Marine at
Raymond was b. in Montreal, Que. on 25 June 1948 the son of Roland and Dorothy (McGarry) Vermette.
He m. Brenda Hunter, in 1970 at Toronto, Ontario. She was b. 28 Jan. 1950 at Kensington the daughter of Stewart and Glenn (Ingles) Hunter. They have four children: 1. Raymond Jr. b. 15 Nov. 1970, 2. Dawn b. 27 Apr. 1974, 3. Robin b. 11 Aug. 1976 and 4. Joey b. 31 Aug. 1982.
Submitted by Brenda Vermette
SOLOMON VESSEY In Lakes map of 1863, Solomon Vessey is shown as living on the north side of the Drummond Road,
west of the properties that were occupied by James Johnston Jr. believed to be code 117. In a sketch drawn in 1875 it shows S. Vessey as living on the land code 102.
Solomon Vessey was m. to Elizabeth Stetson (1823-1880). She was the oldest daughter of John and Mary (Bell) Stetson who came out on the ship “Valiant” in 1819.
After Elizabeth d., Solomon gave up the farm and moved to Summerside.
PRESTON WADMAN Preston came to Freetown and worked on different farms in South Freetown for a number of years.
Preston was b. 5 June 1909, he was one of five ch. a_son of Hall and Janie (Hickox) Wadman of Kensington. He m. Jean Burgess 29 Sept. 1937. She was b. 3 Apr. 1916 in Kensington. They reside in
Summerside in 1985.
Preston and Jean (Burgess) Wadman have two ch: 1. Marlyn b. 23 Aug. 1942; m. Willard Doucette, Summerside. They have two girls, Kendra and Tanya. 2. Teddy b. 23 Feb. 1944; m. Sandra Gallant, Summerside.
They have three ch: Sandra, David and Roxanne. Submitted by Jean Wadman
EDWARD WALKER Edward Walker owned 46 acres of land (code 24) on the North Freetown Road for several years prior
to 1869 when he sold it to William Rogers.
Edward Walker was a brother of John Walker, who lived on the main Freetown Road. He m. Sarah Glover of Norboro.
JOHN WALKER John Walker purchased 125 acres in Freetown (code 44) from James Stavert and his wife Ann on the
20th of June 1874 for $2108.89. The Walkers remained on this farm for about 40 years. His son Stafford sold the farm to George G. Paynter on 13 Apr. 1917, and moved to Freetown village, where he entered the store business with RC. Auld. He also bought the house and lot that was occupied by Albert Craig, 11 Apr.
1917. In 1985 the property is owned by Edgar Reeves. 448