2 i Janet Ella b. 2 Mar. 1880. She m. 1. Fred Jardine a Medical Doctor in Kensington . They had five ch: Ingham, Wylie, Janet, Frederick and Eric. She m. 2. James Jardine , Kensington . (See Jardine history.) 2j Patterson b. 14 May 1882. He m. Georgie Bentley , Kensington . They had no children. They resided in Kensington the latter part of their lives. + 2g John Stafford Walker J. Stafford (Staff) was a successful farmer who took over the farm in Freetown from his father, John (code 44). He remained there until 1917 when he sold the farm. He moved to Freetown Village and started in the store business with Robert C. Auld . He resided in the house that was built by Albert Craig which he purchased from Charles Taylor . He remained in the store business until 1921, when he sold his interest in the store to Mr. Auld , and his house to Davis Baker . John S. Walker was the Superintendent of the Sunday School in Freetown in 1919 which was then called the Freetown Union Sunday School. The Walkers were affiliated with the Methodist Church. He then moved to Sidney , N.Y. where he operated a shoe store. J. Stafford Walker m. Anna Sophia Rogers of Freetown on 15 June 1904. Anna d. in Sidney, New York 15 Dec. 1935. After her death, he moved and remarried. Stafford d. in Erie, Pa. in 1953. Stafford and Annie (Rogers) Walker had three ch. all b. in Freetown . 3a 2g Janet Lousie Walker b. 3 Sept. 1906. On 3 June 1930 she m. Benjamin I. Ellis , Sidney , N.Y. They had two ch: Florence Janet and Margaret Annie . 3b 2g Florence Elizabeth Walker b. 3 July 1912. On 6 Jan. 1947. She m. Rudolph William Guta . They have one son, Rudolph William Guta Jr. They live in , Fla. 3c 2g John David Walker b. 16 Sept. 1913. On 1 Aug. 1939 he m. Emily Jean Bond in Syracuse, N.Y. They had four children: Twin daughters (1. and 2.) d. at birth, 3. John David Jr. 4. Susan Jean . John David Sr. lives in Norwich, N.Y. REDMOND WALL was b. in Ireland around 1777, and emigrated to U.S.A . ca. 1795. He spent a few years there, before he came to the Island of St. John. Redmond was living in the Bedeque- Freetown area before he m. Ann Burns , a daughter of James and Barbara (Stewart) Burns in 1818. She was b. on 12 Sept. 1780 in Perthshire, Scotland . Ann was m. once before and had two daughters before she, presumably a widow, came to Freetown with her father's family. In 1835, Redmond purchased from William and Elizabeth Clark, 28 acres of land, code 123, in Lot 25 ( Freetown ) and in 1846 Redmond purchased 90 acres of land, code 124, in Freetown from the McKie family. In the census of 1841, in Lot 26, Redmond, farmer, Roman Catholic , was listed with: one female age 45-60; one female, two males 16-45; and one male under 16. The census says that their farm had three horses, ten cattle, 30 sheep and five hogs, and during their last year (1840-41) they accumulated from their farm 100 bushels of wheat, 30 of barley and 200 of potatoes. Redmond's wife, Ann, d. in Aug. of 1855 in Freetown . Nearly four years later, Redmond, at the age of 81 m a widow, Barbara Craig , of Summerside on 5 July 1859. The census of 1861 in Lot 25 lists Redmond as a Roman Catholic and his wife as a Presbyterian, both over 60. On May 3rd, 1865, Redmond d. at Freetown at the age of 87, he left behind a widow, three sons and one daughter. + 2a b. in Freetown , 1819. 2b b 1820 in Freetown . She resided at Freetown all her life. In the 1881 census Mary was listed as age 60 and a Baptist in religion. The newspaper, The Journal, of 17 Aug. 1892 records at Lower Freetown on the 31st ult. the death of in the 71st year of her age, only daughter of the late . + 2c b. in the 1820s at Freetown . + 2d b. c. 1826 at Freetown . 450