Ralph S. Waugh, his wife and family moved from Gowanda, New York to P.E.I. in June 1964. They moved to Freetown to the property then owned by Eva, Mrs. Stewart Burns, code 62a, in Aug. 1964. Ralph worked on the construction and operation of the P.E.I. Flax Industries under the management of Zeger Salome for about one and a half years during 1965-66. In May 1967 Ralph bought the Fruit and Vegetable Centre in Wilmot from Mr. Clarence Simmons. The property in Lower Freetown was sold to Garth Drummond 11 July 1968. Ralph, Gerda and family moved to Wilmot in Mar. 1969.

Ralph was b. in New Annan 17 June 1925. He m. Gerda Wood of Gowanda, NY. in Summerside United Baptist Church 27 Sept. 1951. Gerda was b. 3 May 1929 in Gowanda, N.Y. They have four ch:

221 Katherine Ann b. 10 Mar. 1952 in Gowanda, N.Y. She m. John Lewis, St. Eleanors 24 Sept. 1977. They have three ch: 1. Kimberley Grace b. 5 Apr. 1980, 2. Justin John b. 22 June 1982 and 3. Mitchell Scott b. 10 Jan. 1985.

2b Kevin Ralph b. 24 Mar. 1956 in Gowanda, NY. He m. Beverley Blakeney of St. Eleanors 4 June 1977. They have two ch.: 1. Sarah Allison b. 27 Aug. 1978, 2. Emily Margaret b. 31 July 1982.

2c Brenda b. 3 Aug. 1960 in Gowanda, N.Y.; n.m. 2d Scott b. 15 Oct. 1966 in Freetown, n.m. He is the only Canadian citizen in the family.

MICHAEL WHITE The earliest recorded member of the White family was Michael A. White b. 1780 d. 1870. He In. Catherine Murphy b. 1817 and d. 1891. The records indicate they had two sons.

+2a Matthew J. b. 1838 probably in P.E.I., m. Bridget Clements b. 1840 who emigrated to P.E.I. from County Monaghan, Ireland in 1860. She d. in 1917. Matthew J. (1. in 1898.

2b Michael Ambrose b. 1846 and d. 1926; n.m.

+2a Matthew J. White Matthew J. White bought 381/2 acres of land from the Government of P.E.I. in 1880 for $31.80. The

transaction was registered 12 Jan. 1893 (code 96). The land extended from the Dunk River on the south to the RBI. Railroad on the north. This railroad crossing on the Dunk River Road, was called “Whites Crossing”. The intersection connecting the Nodd Road, and the Dunk River Road was called White’s Corner.

Matthew was a carpenter by trade, and also did some farming. He made caskets, and sold them in a store in Emerald. It was stated in Matthew’s will that the 38 l/2 acre farm and home would go to his son John Thomas White at Matthew’s death. Matthew and Bridget had nine ch: surname White.

3a 2a Mary E. b. 1861. She m. John Moynagh who resided in Freetown. 3b 2a Catherine Ann b. 1862. She m. ?_ Halfpenny of Dorchester, Mass. 3c 2a Daniel Joseph b. 1865; d. 1944. He lived in Emerald.

3d 2a Anastasia b. 1867; d. 1955. She m. 1. Dennis Hogan Jr. 16 July 1901. He (1. 1904. She m. 2. Austin Cosgrove. They have one son Aloysuis. Austin d. at Pictou, NS, 1935.

3e 2a Martinee Alice b. 1870;(d. 1939. She m. David Andrew Cameron, Wellington. They had seven children. He owned a mill dam and saw mill. He d. 1910.

+3f 2a John Thomas b. 1873; d. 1936. 3g 2a Margaret Ellen b. 1874; d. 1959. She m. Mr. Clough. They resided in Boston, Mass.

3h 2a Michael Ambrose b. 1877; d. 1877.

3i 2a Susannah b. 1879; d. 1954. She m. Jeremiah Hynes. They lived in Spring Valley. They had two ch: 1. Mary Elizabeth m. Charles MacLellan. 2. Lauretta K. d. in infancy.

+3f2a John Thomas White John Thomas m. Jane Josephine Cameron, Richmond. He followed in his father’s footsteps. He was

a carpenter, and also did some farming. Like his father, he also made caskets. There are many buildings in the vicinity of Freetown and indeed many parts of P.E.I., that were built by John T. White. They bear significant features that were evident in houses and other buildings, which he constructed. Two of the outstan- ding ones are St. James Catholic Church in Summerfield and the Parochial House adjoining. He designed