4 By Kathy Jorgen- .sen With upwards of 200 {Beople packed into a vay-by-the-Sea the Stanhope Sands of Time-~a community history was launched with much pomp and ceremony. _ Described'as a ‘ dream come true by members of the com- mittee the book is the culmination of 20 years of research and much_hard work, not only by the commit- tee but by many com- ' munity peo le. . 0n ,han for the launching was Ben- .net Cam bell, Min- isters 0 Veterans Afairs who, in his re- marks, congratulated the committee on their tenacity in the prfiiect. r. Campbell noted that their are proba- bl many histories of Is and communitites that may never get lwritten because as years go by materials get lost and people pass on making re‘ search impossib e. The Stanhope Wo- men’s Institute His- vtory Committee, con- sisting of Thelma ‘Douglas, Beth' Ellis, ‘Joyce MacLauchlan, Jean Quick, Marga- ‘ret Power, Mar Shaw, Mar aret A- tlan, Edith arshall, Marjorie MacLauch- lan, Evel n Simpson, nd Shir ey Lawson, ere all on hand , ith their husbands,
As Evelyn Simp- on, editor of the his- tory, read some ex-
' cended the stairs in arb depicting the the
Evelyn Simpson , editor of the Stanhope Sands of Time, re-
ceive a copy from the Manager of Irwin Print. the company
Ceremony, Launch Histdry.
that printed the com- munity history. “
u—_————_—-——————-——————-———— ,
late 1700’s , 1800’s,
and down through to ,
today’s modern garb of golf , soccer “and other sports clothin .
Also descendin t e stairs were mem rs of the Boy Scouts,
Cubs, Beavers, Guides, Brownwies, and CGIT.
In her remarks, Mrs. Simpson notd that help with the his- tory came from Can— ada the US, Scot- land, Guatemala and Hawaii.
Orlo Jones of the Genealogy Depart- ment of the P.E.I. Museum , ta e Foun ation was ca ed upon to make some remarks ’and noted it was with great deli ht that she shared e evening with the history com— mittee. '
nd ,Heri- ‘
“It was a joy to work with the com- mittee on the Sands of Time,” said Mrs. Jones.
To officially launch the book Donald Mac- Donald, manager Er- win Print, resented a copy to rs. Simp- son as numerous cameras flashed to record the memora- ble event.
The cover of the book shows a beauti- ful colored picture of Stanhope Beach,
looking east from Stanho Lane, taken by M. . MacLauch— an. .
Desi n and' layout was one by Ken Shelton and Cef Pol»
10y: . . CONTENT The book contains a
variety (ti ‘ctures of school c ildre'n , buildings, houses, mills, weddings and family pictures : all with captions. »It givesafam’il history on all famiiesthat have livedain Stan- hope since'irthe first Scottish settlers ar— rived on June 8, .1770.
h ,
Histories, :ofgcon‘i-mu- . nity 11,5113 and
churchesasflwell as the history of the Na— tional Park’are’ in- cluding in the. 478 page book. ‘..I i“: . Even if’you are—not
formerly from Stan-
hope or have no roots
there the .Stanhope
Sands ,ogj‘Time will ‘ makejor interesting
reading and will be a
lovel addition to
your ibrary.