Stanhope is a small rural community situated on the North Shore of Prince Edward Island, in Lot 34, Queen’s County. (Longitude 63° 8”, latitude 46° 25”, and 50 feet above sea-level).

Its area is approximately 4,360 acres and it is bounded on the north by the Gulf of St. Lawrence, on the east by the community of Tracadie, on the south-east by Pleasant Grove, and on the south and west by West Covehead and by Covehead Bay.

Stanhope’s present year-round population is about 215, (this is more than quadrupled in the summer) comprised of 50 families, many of whose members are direct descendants of the original settlers, and thus provide a continuing link with the pioneer life of 200 years ago. As one of the earliest British settlements on P.E.I., we have quite a long history, dating from June 8, 1770 when the first Scottish settlers arrived; visiting Indians and short-stay Acadians were the only



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