had to suffer during the first two weeks from betwixt fforty and ffifty servants who expected better provisions than oat meal and salt water .. till a vessel arived from three rivers with some Beef and pork (but) no Bullocks nor Horses nor any laboring utensils of any kind No seed Graine of any kind for the first two years which obliged me to buy out of Mr. Higgins store flour and meal for such a numorus family that it

sweled up the debt to a grate sume that with many other misfortunes which I will mention will clearly show that it was out of my pour to

give satisfaction to his Lordship or my self. His many other misfortunes included the loss of three men: the

death of William McEwen at Three Rivers by the falling of a large pine tree that was cutt for loading the vessel and the deaths by drowning on April 11,1771 of Alex J armeson and John MacLaughlan in Tracadie Harbour: they were coming from Fortune with... 5 gallons of rume at 4/- per gallon and 5 gallons molasses at 2/6 per gallon... ,the loss of which seems to have caused David Lawson almost as much distress as the loss of the two men.

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Extract from David Lawson ’s “A Coppy of My Misfortunes 1 784. Courtesy PAPEI