Montgomery, son of Sir James II by his second wife, inherited the property. For details on the Bovyer connection with Farm, please see their family history. Short Term Montgomery Settlers We know of a number of early settlers who lived in Stanhope and Head for short periods of time before moving on to other places. For instance, William Simpson and his wife Janet Winchester came on the John and Elizabeth from Morayshire in 1775, landing near Flat River as the result of shipwreck; they proceeded first to Charlotte Town and later to Stanhope , where they stayed... on the old Higgins property, finally settling at Cavendish in Lot 23. Their second son William married Mary Millar (daughter of John and Catherine Millar) on February 13,1790, both being described as "of Head"; and William had a lease for 100 acres of land here from Montgomery in 1792, but by 1798 he and Mary had moved to Lot 23. There is a reference to " Alexander Cameron of Stanhope ", but we could find no evidence that he lived in Stanhope , though his funeral was held here; he died on March 16,1811 at Rustico . He and his family came on the Rambler in 1806, and Sarah Cameron , daughter of John Cameron of Brackley Point , who also came on the Rambler, and who was probably related, married Neil Shaw of Stanhope , so there may have been a connection. D. MacCallum (?Dugald), weaver, is said to have come on the Falmouth ; the MacCallums came from Kintyre (Cantyre), Argyll, and settled at Brackley Point , naming their new home "Cantyre". John MacCallum married Catherine Shaw of Stanhope on January 17, 1787 and he had a lease for 50 acres from Montgomery in 1789 for which he paid 12/6 per annum rent. Another MacCallum, first name uncer?? tain, but possibly Neil, is shown as having 200 acres (on the 1790 map of Stanhope ), situated between the properties of Neil Shaw and John Crabtree ; this 200 acres was rented later (ca. 1792) by the Rev. Theophilus DesBrisay . John Crabtree , above, rented 100 acres from Montgomery for ??1.5.0 per annum, but by 1789 his land was rented to one John Hall ; we have no information as to whence these two came or whither they went. Finally from the Ira Brown papers (PAPEI) comes the information that... James Duncan , wife, and son James, came to Stanhope from Perth on the ship Parkhill and lived for a time on the Dollery Farm. 23