daylight hours. In December of 1939 the Russell family moved to Charlottetown , and the blacksmith shop never operated again. About six years later William Myers, a subsequent owner, moved the shop into his yard to use as a barn. Recently, Billy Horgan has set up a welding shop next to the Horgan home on the in Stanhope . 1 = s^iiiiii ..........;ft........QPB PBll WM........Sss:........m^:::m........w^:.....:.....m :???....:::.:???:?????? 5 Wi 2SS1P iflk fli 77w's 2-rou; potato harvester, designed and manufactured by Don Allan , Covehead , has been widely used throughout P.E.I , since 1960s. In 1981, using a newer design, a 4-row harvester (of which there are only 2 models in P.E.I. ) Don Allan dug and harvested 100 acres of potatoes in Stanhope in less than 2 days (an acre in 7 minutes). D. Allan coll. Fox Farming in Stanhope The first successful pioneers in raising foxes on the Island were Charles Dalton and Robert J. Oulton . Mr. Dalton began his fox farming at Tignish , and Mr. Oulton had his fox ranch on . When it became known that the pelts from these animals brought very high prices, much interest was aroused and many were desirous of engaging in the business. The rearing of these wild fur-bearing animals in captivity for their pelts was carried out for a number of years in our community. The silver-black fox was found to be the easiest to raise and gave the best profits. The first pair of these small animals was bought by Ray Can- in 1925 for the sum of $400. His ranch grew and he sold many live foxes for breeding stock, and took many prizes. This venture 47