Angus Jarvis, Barney McCabe and Wendell Kielly.
Lloyd Bell’s status went from part-time light keeper to caretaker in June, 1959 when the kerosene lights were converted to automatic Wallace & Tiernan electric storage battery-operated green lights, mounted on two twelve foot skeleton steel towers, automatically controlled by sun switches. Lloyd Bell’s services as caretaker expired on January 1, 1967, as a result of new government policy to carry out operation and maintenance of the lights on a contract basis. As well as the range lights, there is also a large lighted buoy about a quarter mile off, and a large rotating green light in the light house near the Covehead bridge. For day navigation there are four channel buoys.
A new hand-operated fog-horn was delivered to the fishermen in May, 1965 and left in charge of Harry MacLauchlan who agreed to operate it on their behalf at no cost to the department. In 1975 an automatic fog-horn was installed in the light tower on the outside shore; and in 1969 an underground cable was laid from Stanhope
Beach Inn for 1100 feet along the shore line to provide electricity to the lights.
Manually operated range lights at Stanhope Bluff 1 937 E. Bell coll.