Stanhope Presbyterian Church ca. 1915 A.H.C. Lawson coll.

either side from seeing each other. The church was heated by a wood stove in the aisle near the door, with the stove pipe suspended from the ceiling, running the length of the church to the chimney at the east end. Lighting was by kerosene lamps on Window brackets. There was a two-step dais at the east end for the pulpit and choir. We find no record of when, how or by whom the pews were made; nor, for that matter, of the source of the building materials for the church, or how these and the labour involved were financed. Our church records are indeed extremely scanty, but The Presbyterian Record for April, 1881 states that At Stanhope in the Presbytery of P.E.I. another new church was opened on the Sabbath, March 13th, 1881 by the Rev. Dr. Murray of Charlottetown, Mr. Baker of Little York and the pastor of the congregation, the Rev. James Allan.

The following extracts throw some light on fund-raising for the new Stanhope Church:- The Presbyterian and Evangelical Protestant Union, June 14, 1880.


A Public Tea will be held at Point Pleasant, Stanhope, on Dominion Day, in aid of the new Presbyterian Church now in course of erection at Stanhope.

As Point Pleasant is one of the most delightful places in the Dominion, persons wishing to spend a recreative and pleasant day at the North Shore would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity.

The committee will endeavour to make the tea one of the best of