out by Charles O’Brien of Covehead Road. The stone foundation was renovated in 1954 by Ivan Bernard of Charlottetown. He also made a new ceiling for the church in 1959, lowering it by two feet; this unfortunately obscured the pointed portion of the side windows. In 1950 a carpet for the pulpit area was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carr; this was replaced in 1970 by carpet given by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allan which extended over the aisle too. Also in 1970, the wood stove was replaced by an oil stove with a fan and thermostat; the inner porch was removed, and the interior walls were panelled. This year also, extra land was donated by Mrs. Bert (Eleanor) Misener and her son Linus, to increase the parking facilities. In 1957 Mrs. Rachel (Hudson) Tillson of Stanhope Lane donated shrubs, to be planted around the church for a hedge.
A new pulpit and three elegant matching chairs were acquired in 1977 from the old United Church in Tignish, through the good offices of the Rev. J. Elmer MacLean. Horace Marshall, Margaret Allan and George Simpson made a memorable trip by truck to Tignish to collect them; If we’d only had an organ as well, we could have held roadside services along the way!
At this time the U.C.W. donated afi’ oak cross, made by Albert Webster of Covehead Road, for the east wall; this was later moved to the choir room. Hymn and service books have been given over the years by families and friends, the U.C.W. and the Sunday School children, mostly as memorials.
Stanhope Church Centennial Project
Discussions began in August, 1978 on needed changes and renovations to the church; rather than doing these one at a time it was suggested that the congregation mount a project to celebrate the church’s centenary which was due in 1980.
A very generous gift of $1500 was received for specific improve- ments to the church interior and this proved to be the necessary incentive to get matters under way; the church members were very grateful to the donor of this sum.
A building committee was authorised by the congregation, a Centennial Building Fund was set up, and after much discussion a set of plans, drawn up by architect J .F. Toombs of Charlottetown. was submitted to the P.E.I. Presbytery who approved of them and arranged a grant of $700 and a 5-year loan at 7%.
A choir room and Sunday School classroom, 15 by 13 feet in size, was built on at the south-east corner of the church. with an 8-foot basement underneath, containing an oil-fired hot-air furnace with a duct system installed in the crawl space under the church. The church