return; there was a lot of ill-feeling, with many broken friendships, neighbours angry with each other, and even in some households rifts ‘ and disagreements occurred between family members.
When Church Union took place on June 6, 1925 the minister, the Rev. Thomas Wilson, arranged a schedule whereby each church had a service at least once every two weeks. Mr. Wilson had a gruelling regime; in winter he travelled with horse and sleigh, tying the horse at the church door, covering the animal with blanket and buffalo robe to keep him warm for an hour, then horse and minister were off to another church.
In the early 1940 s, during the war, church attendance fell off alarmingly; at times the congregation might number 5, 6, or 7, of whom one was the minister and one the caretaker; but gradually the congregation built up to its present level. In 1935-36, the Covehead Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada consisted of four
churches: — Covehead Road, Stanhope, Union Road and West Covehead, with Brackley Point and Harrington sections. In 1960 this charge was made up of the same churches, without the Brackley Point and Harrington sections. In 1967 the new York-Covehead Pastoral Charge was made up, consisting of York, Central (Marshfield/ Dunstaffnage), Stanhope, West Covehead and Pleasant Grove. The first service was conducted on September 6, 1967 with the minister, the Rev. Frank Lacey, in charge.
The congregations of Stanhope and West Covehead are now “twinned”, having services on alternate Sundays at alternate times, so that the other three churches have equal time; services are at 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 pm. There are many families in the charge (412) and 38 families are affiliated with the Stanhope Church. Everyone is pressing forward under the minister’s leadership, looking hopefully into the future.
Events and Celebrations at Stanhope Church
Searching the records, we found that while numerous baptisms have been performed here over the years, only two funerals have been conducted from Stanhope Church during its 100 year history: that of Mr. Bert Misener, our caretaker for many years, in March 1965; and that of Mrs“. George Shaw Sr. on March 22, 1967.
, The first wedding held in the church was in 1938 when Jean Misener was married to Sheldon Gunn. On May 24, 1951 Marion Shaw was married to William Youland Jr.; Vicki Allen and Murray Cook were married on March 13, 1981; and on October 23, 1982 Florena Grace (Rena) MacLauchlan was married to John MacLeod. As far as is known, these four weddings are the only ones which have taken