place in this church. The first communion service in Stanhope Church was held during the Rev. Norman Green’s ministry.

The 100th Anniversary Service was held on June 29, 1980, conducted by the minister, the Rev. J. Elmer MacLean, with the Rev. D. Burton Isaac as guest speaker and Mrs. Ian MacLeod as soloist; the Rev. R.H. Baxter, a former minister and father of Mrs. MacLeod, was

a very welcome guest. A beautiful sunny day graced this historic occasion, celebrating 100 years of devoted service to this community. A book of photographs with commentary was prepared by the U.C.W. and placed in the church, illustrating the progress and results of the centennial project.

The dedication of the new addition to the church, and of the numerous centennial memorial gifts took place on June 8, 1980; the service was conducted by the Rev. Frank Lacey, a former minister, assisted by the Rev. J. Elmer MacLean. The Presbytery of P.E.I. was represented by their Chairman; the soloist was Miss Helen Wilson, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Wilson, a former minister. Dr. George Simpson was selected to cut the ribbon opening the new choir room, assisted by Warren Marshall and Harry MacLauchlan. The memorial gifts to the church were then dedicated by the Rev. J. Elmer MacLean, with the long list read by Mrs. Shirley Lawson, who thanked all those who had donated so generously to the Centennial Fund; and on behalf of the congregation, the Board of Managers and the Building Committee she said, “We are very much indebted to Dr. George Simpson for his many hours of planning and work that made this day possible. Thank you, Doctor.”

Also in the centennial year, a special service was held on August 24 to accept formally the electric organ donated by Mrs. Helena Bell in memory of her husband, the Hon. Reginald R. Bell. The soloist, Mr. John Bernard, sang “Amazing Grace” and “Beyond the Sunset”; the Bell family and friends were in attendance.

Everyone was shocked and saddened by the sudden death of the minister, the Rev. J. Elmer MacLean, on July 11, 1981, of a heart attack at the age of 53. A dedication service had been arranged for the next day, Sunday, July 12, and it went ahead as planned, with the Rev. Douglas Gass, retired minister from Park Royal charge, officiating. Many memorial and other gifts were received and dedicated, including twelve choir gowns and cowls presented by the congregation and friends.

On November 27, 1981 the Rev. John Foster, MA. was inducted

at Central United Church as minister of the York-Covehead Pastoral Charge.

On August 21, 1983 at the request of the Rev. D. I. MacIntosh, supply minister at the morning service, Mrs. Shirley Lawson gave a