Charlotte's first pastorate is at Tabusintac, N.B. , where she is in charge of three churches. Brenda MacLauchlan was born on November 27, 1952, the daughter of Harry and Marjorie MacLauchlan of Stanhope . She attended Stanhope School for Grades 1-8, and Charlottetown Rural High School for Grades 9-12 from 1966 to 1970. After a year at the University of P. E.I , she studied at the University of Guelph from 1971 to 1975, graduating with the degree of B.A.Sc . with emphasis on "Early Childhood Education". She studied at the Atlantic School of Theology, Halifax for a year in 1978-79, followed by three years at the Vancouver School of Theology, graduating in 1983 with a Master of Divinity degree. In earlier days, she attended Stanhope Sunday School and later served as a teacher there; she was a graduate of the Stanhope C.G.I.T . and a member of the Stanhope United Church. She served student fields in Cornwall , Ontario and , Manitoba . Brenda was Recommended for Ordination by the P.E.I. Presby ?? tery at a service held on May 22, 1983 in Stanhope United Church, and she was ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in the United Church of Canada at the Maritime Conference in Sackville, N.B. on May 29,1983. Brenda and her husband, Charles Casselman , M.Div ., are presently serving a joint pastorate at Gainsborough, Saskatchewan . The Ministers of Stanhope Church The Rev. James Allan 1880-1890 The Rev. James Allan was instrumental in founding Stanhope Presbyterian Church. As noted previously, he was inducted to the Charge of 's and Head in 1846 and was minister of Head congregation alone from 1852. Following the building of Stanhope Presbyterian Church in 1880-81, he served our congre?? gation and that of West Covehead until his retirement in 1890. As well as being a minister, Mr. Allan was a successful farmer, with 108 acres of land in West Covehead . He was married to Grace Jane MacDonald and they had eight children: John R. ( Colonel J.R. Allan ); Archibald, a doctor at Bridge; Maggie, who died young; Maggie II , who died in 1873; Emma, who married E. Campbell of Vancouver; James B. of Vancouver; Helen, married to the Hon. John S. MacLeod ; and Mabel, married to W.F. Trent . James Allan died on January 14, 1891 of influenza, and is buried in West Covehead Cemetery . His memorial sermon, preached by the Rev. D. Sutherland of Zion Church, Charlottetown , said that ... he was characterized by stern integrity 77